As a rule with a doctors note you are safe ,
But you are on Probation ,and were told so
Day cares ,Pre K's ,Teachers Aids such jobs like that are jobs they have high turn over anyway unless you really are there for the kids and not the money it can be discouraging ,especially dealing with entitled parents ,
My Nurse was a teacher ,she quit because of parents ,not the kids
Most places now days want money so bad ,they don't send sick kids home .if they run a fever or any vomiting ,they are to be sent home ,though many wont ,,
My daughter worked at a nursery (several actually before she went into nursing ),and just went through a coarse on all the laws ,and asked why they didn't send kids running a fever back home ,,she was told to mind her own business ,just do her job
But when she seen kids getting other kids sick on a regular basis ,she reported them and quit
But when your on probation ,they can come up with a million reasons they let you go
Hope you get well soon
I myself admire you were thinking of the kids
some places that only care about money ,they won't