gol979 · 41-45, M
I'm not sick of hearing about brexit but I am sick of hearing the same bloody lines for almost 3 years. Apparently the Tories have a deal on the table and they are still saying the same thing as they were bleating right at the start.
There are proper conversations to be had but through the lens of mainstream media most of them are sidelined, not discussed at all or blown way out of proportion.....time for a change in the 4th estate
There are proper conversations to be had but through the lens of mainstream media most of them are sidelined, not discussed at all or blown way out of proportion.....time for a change in the 4th estate
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Don’t lose the interest. That’s when they’ll slip in something you won’t like.
Cathnandrew · 70-79, F
@Longpatrol good point