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I'm Hurting

Anybody else been at that point in their life where you just wake up look around you and wonder why your where your at? Been storming on throughout the last few years with such a wall around me and just switched off emotionally myself just concentrating on helping others i forgot to keep myself up!

Just having a day where i dont understand why i'm here and wondering what the hell am i doing! Questioning everything and why to carry on going (not suicidle) just confused and feel soo very very lost!
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I feel this way regularly. I'm in the process of exploring it in therapy. For me, a lot of it stems from loneliness and feeling misunderstood. I'm using exercise to manage it and once I'm where I want to be health wise I will take antidepressants. It hurts but I'm trying to soldier on.
Finster · 31-35, M
thanks loanlywife I guess thats all we can do in life just keep moving forwards I really hope you get back on your feet completly noone should have to struggle!
I have days like this too. I am so busy running around caring for and looking after everyone else I forget my own welfare . Some days I feel so low and weak but everyone needs a bit of me and it feels I have nothing left to give. Feel emotionally drained. Hope you are feeling better now :)
Only after a long night of drinking. Just kidding. Life is about making your own adventures and experiences, don't take it too seriously.
Yeah, I think we all know that feeling. Keep your head up!
Finster · 31-35, M
Cheers mate
For like the past week lol
Finster · 31-35, M
Lol good to hear i'm not the only one 😉
Ya glad to know for a fact I'm not the the only one
mrrabbitdigital Call us!
Finster · 31-35, M
Appreciate it mate but i'm british think the phone bill cost would make me feel even worse! HAHA appreciate the thought though 😊
Haha calling America is going to be costly. I called a mate once.... The cost shocked me lol.
only when im brutaly hungover to $h!t
Finster · 31-35, M
HAHA atleast your honest lol
Oh it was one of those nights

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