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I Want You To Answer These Questions

Let's see how many people will tell the truth about their past.
Tattoo's - 0
Piercings - ears
Marriages - 2
Divorces - 2
Pregnancies -3
Children - 2 son, 1 daughter
Surgeries - many
Been to Jail - no
Shot a gun - yes
Quit a job - resigned
Flown on a plane - yes
Gone over 100 miles in a car - yes
Drove over 100mph in a car - yes
Hit a deer - no
Gone zip lining - yes
Cried over someone - yes
Fell in love - yes
Skipped school - No
Watched someone give birth- no
Watched someone die -no
Ridden in an ambulance- yes
Sang karaoke- no
Laughed so much you cried - yes, many times
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- yes
Had a pet(s).... Fur babies- yes
Been sledding on big hill- yes
Rode on a motorcycle- yes
Rode a Horse. - yes
Stayed in a hospital- yes
Donated blood - yes
Driven a stick shift - yes
Rode in the back of a police car- no
Top | New | Old
Enchanted · 56-60, F
I don't usually do these as they are too personal but this one is kinda fun....enjoyed reading some of these answers.

Let's see how many people will tell the truth about their past.

Tattoo's - 0 (designing one soon)
Piercings - ears
Marriages - 1
Divorces - 0
Pregnancies -3
Children - 2
Surgeries - many
Been to Jail - no
Shot a gun - no (heading to the range soon)
Quit a job - yes
Flown on a plane - yes
Gone over 100 miles in a car - yes
Drove over 100mph in a car - yes
Hit a deer - no
Gone zip lining - no
Cried over someone - yes
Fell in love - yes
Skipped school - Yes
Watched someone give birth- yes
Watched someone die -yes (too many :( )
Ridden in an ambulance- yes
Sang karaoke- yes
Laughed so much you cried - yes, many times
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- yes
Had a pet(s)....yes (many)
Been sledding on big hill- yes
Rode on a motorcycle- yes
Rode a Horse. - yes
Stayed in a hospital- yes
Donated blood - no
Driven a stick shift - tried lol
Rode in the back of a police car- (sat in one)
This message was deleted by its author.
Magenta · F
Ald, was it mandatory and am I penalized? ;-)
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
Oh no, not mandatory; but yes, you are penalized. Now to come up with what the penalty should be. 🤔
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
JackNJ · 46-50, M
Tattoo's - 3 on my arms
Piercings - 5 holes in my ears, don't wear them but can still get them in
Marriages - 1
Divorces - 0
Pregnancies -0 for me, 2 for my wife
Children - 1 son, 1 daughter
Surgeries - 2
Been to Jail - no
Shot a gun - yes
Quit a job - yes
Flown on a plane - yes
Gone over 100 miles in a car - yes
Drove over 100mph in a car - yes
Hit a deer - the deer hit me
Gone zip lining - no
Cried over someone - yes
Fell in love - yes
Skipped school - Yes
Watched someone give birth- Yes
Watched someone die - no
Ridden in an ambulance- no
Sang karaoke- no
Laughed so much you cried - yes, many times
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- yes
Had a pet(s).... Several dogs
Been sledding on big hill- no
Rode on a motorcycle- no
Rode a Horse. - no
Stayed in a hospital- yes
Donated blood - no
Driven a stick shift - yes
Rode in the back of a police car- no
Cinnamon · 31-35, F
Thank you for posting a reasonable short version of this, sometimes they go on for hundreds of questions!

Tattoos - only henna (currently one on right hand, one subtle one on my face)
Piercings - ears
Marriages - 0 but settled in with my girlfriend
Divorces - 0
Pregnancies - 0
Children - 0
Surgeries - 0
Been to Jail - no but I stayed in a hostel that used to be a jail
Shot a gun - no
Quit a job - I got a job and then didn't go, does that count?
Flown on a plane - lots
Gone over 100 miles in a car - lots
Drove over 100mph in a car - not when I was driving
Hit a deer - no
Gone zip lining - yes
Cried over someone - yes
Fell in love - often
Skipped school - maybe
Watched someone give birth- yes
Watched someone die - yes
Ridden in an ambulance - yes
Sang karaoke- no
Laughed so much you cried - not quite
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- often
Had a pet - yes (cat)
Been sledding on big hill- yes, I'm Canadian, we call it tobogganning
Rode on a motorcycle- I really want to!
Rode a Horse. - I really want to!
Stayed in a hospital- as a kid
Donated blood - often
Driven a stick shift - no
Rode in the back of a police car- yes
Tattoo's - 0
Piercings - 0
Marriages - 2
Divorces - 1
Pregnancies - 0
Children - 1 son, 1 daughter
Surgeries - 3, fairly minor
Been to Jail - no
Shot a gun - yes
Quit a job - yes
Flown on a plane - yes
Gone over 100 miles in a car - yes
Drove over 100mph in a car - yes
Hit a deer - no
Gone zip lining - yes, in St Lucia
Cried over someone - yes
Fell in love - yes
Skipped school - Yes
Watched someone give birth- no
Watched someone die -no
Ridden in an ambulance- yes
Sang karaoke- try stopping me!
Laughed so much you cried - yes, many times
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- yes
Had a pet(s).... 3 dogs yes
Been sledding on big hill- yes
Rode on a motorcycle- yes
Rode a Horse. - yes
Stayed in a hospital- yes
Donated blood - yes
Driven a stick shift - yes
Rode in the back of a police car- yes
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Tattoo's - 0
Piercings - 0
Marriages - 1
Divorces - 0
Pregnancies na
Children - 2
Surgeries -yes
Been to Jail - no
Shot a gun - yes
Quit a job - yes
Flown on a plane - yes
Gone over 100 miles in a car - yes
Drove over 100mph in a car - yes
Hit a deer - 3
Gone zip lining - no
Cried over someone - yes
Fell in love - yes
Skipped school - yes
Watched someone give birth- yes
Watched someone die -yes
Ridden in an ambulance- yes
Sang karaoke- no
Laughed so much you cried - yes, many times
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- yes
Had a pet(s) yes
Been sledding on big hill- yes
Rode on a motorcycle- yes
Rode a Horse. - yes
Stayed in a hospital- yes
Donated blood - yes
Driven a stick shift - yes
Rode in the back of a police car- no

Fun list
1961dave · 61-69, M
Been to Jail-no
Shot a gun-yes
Quit a job-Yes
Flown in a plane-yes
Drove over 100mph ina car-yes
Hit a deer-yes
Gone zip lining-no
Cried over someone-no comment
Fell in love-yes
Skipped School-no
Watched someone give birth-no
Watched someone die-no
Ridden in an ambulence-no
Sung karaoke-no(HELL NO)
Laughed so much you cried-yes many times!
Had pets-yes dogs and cats
Been sledding on a big hill-sort of big
Rode a motorcycle- a three wheeler in feilds
Rode a horse-no
Stayed in a hospital-yes
Donated blood-no
Driven a stick shift-yes
Ridden in the back of a police car-😖yes. When I was 21 I met friends at a bar, got nailed driving home at 2:30 AM, but I did get it reduced, no DUI on my record. And I rarely drink now, not into it.
1961dave · 61-69, M
@1petitegreeneyes: Yes it is, I'll finish it up sometime today!
1petitegreeneyes · 61-69, F
@1961dave: ok, I'll watch for it. :)
1961dave · 61-69, M
@1petitegreeneyes: I've completed my assignment mam!
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
Tattoo's - 0
Piercings - 0
Marriages - 1 (but, later, two other significative relationships, both ended)
Divorces - 1
Pregnancies -0
Children - 3, 3 daughters, one of them adopted, one baby grandaughter
Surgeries - some, no one of them related to looks.
Been to Jail - no
Shot a gun - yes
Quit a job - resigned
Flown on a plane - yes
Gone over 100 miles in a car - yes
Drove over 100mph in a car - yes
Hit a deer - no
Gone zip lining - yes
Cried over someone - yes
Fell in love - yes
Skipped school - No
Watched someone give birth- yes.
Watched someone die -yes
Ridden in an ambulance- yes
Sang karaoke- no
Laughed so much you cried - yes, many times
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- yes
Had a pet(s)....- yes
Been sledding on big hill- yes
Rode on a motorcycle- yes
Rode a Horse. - yes
Stayed in a hospital- yes
Donated blood - yes
Driven a stick shift - Manual transmition? yes, allways.
Rode in the back of a police car- no
Split100 · 56-60, M
Tattoo's - 0
Piercings - 0
Marriages - 1
Divorces - 1
Pregnancies - 0
Children - 0
Surgeries - many
Been to Jail - ues
Shot a gun - yes
Quit a job - yes
Flown on a plane - yes
Gone over 100 miles in a car - yes
Drove over 100mph in a car - yes
Hit a deer - no
Gone zip lining - no
Cried over someone - yes
Fell in love - yes
Skipped school -yes
Watched someone give birth- no
Watched someone die -yes
Ridden in an ambulance- yes
Sang karaoke- yes
Laughed so much you cried - yes, many times
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- yes
Had a pet(s).... Fur babies- yes
Been sledding on big hill- yes
Rode on a motorcycle- yes
Rode a Horse. - yes
Stayed in a hospital- yes
Donated blood - no
Driven a stick shift - yes
Rode in the back of a police car- yes
pdockal · 56-60, M
Tattoo's - 0
Piercings - left ear
Marriages - 1
Divorces - 0
Pregnancies -0
Children - 0
Surgeries - 3
Been to Jail - yes
Shot a gun - yes
Quit a job - yes
Flown on a plane - yes
Gone over 100 miles in a car - yes
Drove over 100mph in a car - yes
Hit a deer - yes
Gone zip lining - no
Cried over someone - yes
Fell in love - yes
Skipped school - No
Watched someone give birth- no
Watched someone die -yes
Ridden in an ambulance- yes
Sang karaoke- no
Laughed so much you cried - yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- yes
Had a pet(s).... Fur babies- yes
Been sledding on big hill- yes
Rode on a motorcycle- yes
Rode a Horse. - yes
Stayed in a hospital- yes
Donated blood - yes
Driven a stick shift - yes
Rode in the back of a police car- yes
pdockal · 56-60, M
Tattoo's - 0
Piercings - ears
Marriages - 1
Divorces - 0
Pregnancies -0
Children - 0
Surgeries - 3
Been to Jail - 1
Shot a gun - yes
Quit a job - yes
Flown on a plane - yes
Gone over 100 miles in a car - yes
Drove over 100mph in a car - yes
Hit a deer - yes
Gone zip lining - yes
Cried over someone - yes
Fell in love - yes
Skipped school - yes
Watched someone give birth- no
Watched someone die -yes
Ridden in an ambulance- yes
Sang karaoke- no
Laughed so much you cried - yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- yes
Had a pet(s).... yes
Been sledding on big hill- yes
Rode on a motorcycle- yes
Rode a Horse. - yes
Stayed in a hospital- yes
Donated blood - yes
Driven a stick shift - yes
Rode in the back of a police car- yes
Let's see how many people will tell the truth about their past.
Tattoo's - 1
Piercings - ears, but that was a long time ago. They have since closed
Marriages - 1
Divorces - 0
Pregnancies - 0
Children - 2
Surgeries - 0
Been to Jail - no
Shot a gun - yes
Quit a job - several times
Flown on a plane - yes
Gone over 100 miles in a car - yes
Drove over 100mph in a car - yes
Hit a deer - yes
Gone zip lining - no
Cried over someone - absolutely!
Fell in love - yes
Skipped school - yes
Watched someone give birth- yes
Watched someone die - yes
Ridden in an ambulance- yes
Sang karaoke- yes
Laughed so much you cried - yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- yes
Had a pet(s).... yes
Been sledding on big hill- yes
Rode on a motorcycle- yes
Rode a Horse. - no
Stayed in a hospital- yes (but not as a patient)
Donated blood - yes
Driven a stick shift - yes
Rode in the back of a police car- no
Split100 · 56-60, M
Let's see how many people will tell the truth about their past.
Tattoo's - 0
Piercings - 0
Marriages - 1
Divorces - 1
Pregnancies -0
Children - 0
Surgeries - many
Been to Jail - yes
Shot a gun - yes
Quit a job - resigned and quit
Flown on a plane - yes
Gone over 100 miles in a car - yes
Drove over 100mph in a car - yes
Hit a deer - no
Gone zip lining - no
Cried over someone - yes
Fell in love - yes
Skipped school - yes
Watched someone give birth- no
Watched someone die -ywa
Ridden in an ambulance- yes
Sang karaoke- no
Laughed so much you cried - yes, many times
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- yes
Had a pet(s).... Fur babies- yes
Been sledding on big hill- yes
Rode on a motorcycle- yes
Rode a Horse. - yes
Stayed in a hospital- yes
Donated blood - no
Driven a stick shift - yes
Rode in the back of a police car- yes
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
okay here goes:

Tattoo's - 0
Piercings - 0
Marriages - 1
Divorces - 0
Pregnancies -my wife x4
Children - 1 son, 2 daughter
Surgeries - 3
Been to Jail - no
Shot a gun - yes
Quit a job - retired
Flown on a plane - yes
Gone over 100 miles in a car - yes
Drove over 100mph in a car - no
Hit a deer - no
Gone zip lining - no
Cried over someone - yes
Fell in love - yes
Skipped school - yes
Watched someone give birth- yes
Watched someone die -yes
Ridden in an ambulance- yes
Sang karaoke- no
Laughed so much you cried - yes, many times
Caught a snowflake on your tongue- yes
Had a pet(s).... Fur babies- yes
Been sledding on big hill- yes
Rode on a motorcycle- yes
Rode a Horse. - yes
Stayed in a hospital- yes
Donated blood - yes
Driven a stick shift - yes
Rode in the back of a police car- yes

now what?
melbeacher · 61-69, M
mmmm you my dear sound like you would be fun to party with !
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
To many!!!!! Just ask☺
1petitegreeneyes · 61-69, F
Ok Thanks! :)
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
tattoos - 0
piercing- 0
marriages- 2
pregnancies- 0- haha-
children- 3 sons - and now stepkids - 2 girls - 1 more son
surgeries - over 10
been to jail - no
shot a gun - no
quit a job - yes
flown on a plane - yes
gone over 100 miles in car - yes
drove over 100 mph in a car- yes
hit a deer - nope

zip lining - nope
cried over someone - yes
fell in love - yes
skipped school- yep - hahaha
watched someone give birth - yes - and delivered too
watched someone die - no
ridden in ambulance - yes
sang karaoke - yes
laughed so much you cried - yes
caught a snowflake on tongue - no
had a pet- yes, fur baby- no
been sledding - yes
rode on motorcycle- yes
rode a horse - yes
stayed in hospital - yes
donated blood - no
driven a stick shift- yes
rode in back of police car - no

great questions - loved it
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
They told,🙂 but how do ya know it's the truth?
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
@Virgo79 why lie- nothing there to hurt anybody
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@ronisme1 I know but I bet some would

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