Yesterday, A man on here may have posted his final words. His last feelings were that life was not worth living. His last words were "If I'm not here tomorrow, you know what happened."
He was not here.
Please, I know you may not care about this but read at least this post. After this man said his final words, another told him "good riddance." and wished him gone. Is that what we have come to?
You never know what someone is going through or how close they are to the edge. Please heart this to show that either you know how he felt or cared enough read this through. NOBODY deserves to feel so useless and alone that they take their own life!
A tragic and all too common end to one's life when it has pinned them in a dark corner. Unbelievably, many turn a blind eye, and not unlike the anxious spectators on a New York City street, callously urge the man on the ledge to jump. It is a testament to our disconnection and utter indifference to anything existing outside ourselves or furthering our interests.
A sad commentary on the state of our humanity.
For his sake, I hope it was simply a day of absence from here, nothing more. Though, it has all the markers of something far worse. The support of online friends is helpful but unpredictable. Professional help is what's required immediately if there's hope to arrest the descent.
There are often people who need help, and it's difficult to always know how to help them. In this man's case, listening and trying to be helpful are probably all you could have done for him. But you did those things for him, to try and help him.
The other reply he got was truly sad though, and we all are lessened by such behavior.
I am hoping common sense may have brought him to realize the finality of his talk. I went to his account-as it is still up. And read the post. All supported- Except one.
We never quite know how fragile another is. Or how close the precipice they are. Most hide it very well.
I am hoping a well earned rest from this place, a respite, may be in order. Instead of that finality.
@SDesert33: Im so sorry he ddint get to ahve your friendship. I just feel, in my heart, that you are genuine. You couldve saved his life. I mean that from the deepest part of my soul.
SDesert, you say "may" have posted, suggesting hope...
Sadly it is too easy for ones like whoever dismissed him, to be heartless on the Internet.
Let's hope his absence was simply a matter of not happening to use the Internet for a perfectly innocent reason like unexpected company or other straightforward distraction.
Thanks. It's just that after losing my mom (which was illness) and a friend to suicide when I was a teen, and some severe PTSD with my wife, someone's mental state is something that needs to be taken with compassion quickly.
Someone (else?) whose profile identified him as a young man or about 20, asked on here not long ago if suicide is painless.
The first reply was a one-word, thoughtless "Yes" from an older man! The second was not much less foolish, but may have been a reference to a song as it cited a YouTube video. Others, including me, replied with our hopes and wishes he would rise above the people who were causing him so much unspecified trouble. I pointed out it was they, not him, who had the problems.
i would report the person that said good riddance, that was really rude, also, if you know the city and state or where the person is, you can ask the police to check on him, they might be able to find him thru the ip address on his computer,
when i first moved here 5 yrs ago i had this neighbor across from me that i was friends with. one time someone knocked on her door and i told the person that i hadnt seen her for a couple of days, not even to walk her dog, someone called maintenance and they came with the police and found her dead. my other neighbor told me this other neighbor told her that when she was complaining to him about chronic pain from diabetes he told her to overdose which is what she did, that guy disgusts me even to this day, i think they shouldve pressed charges on him for doing that. to this day i cant stand the sight of him
@Daisy47: I'd like to expand on your reply, if I may. You brought up something that I don't see much of anymore. Similar Worlds can be used to help and encourage people dealing with issues in their lives. These similar things we face, our groups here if you will, can be used to support and help each other. But all too often posts and replies are not used to help or to spread humor. Just to hate and be mean.
Hopefully he didn't go through with it. It seems like he was crying out for help - sometimes social media can be the wrong place as there are some trolls around. But sometimes, there may be something read on social media that connects with a person and helps them get through. He's probably just not around today but dealing with things in his own way.
The problem with internet social is that to say something so personal to a bunch of random strangers. Chances are you are going to come across assholes like that. Many people like that might as well be the one pulling the trigger and on another note he could one crying wolf that people have taken notice to say in such response. Humans are cruel nowadays and the internet give us such a good mask to be cruel.