I Think Being Crazy Is a Sane Response to a Crazy World This is what happens when you are quarantined 🤣 (1)
I Think Being Crazy Is a Sane Response to a Crazy WorldPeople in this world drive me insane the way people think nowadays everyone’s super sensitive about everything you can’t say hi 👋 to anyone anymore everyone’s all hi what do you mean hi why are people digging so deep nowadays it’s only surface... See More »
I Think Being Crazy Is a Sane Response to a Crazy WorldPeople talk about dissociative identity disorder as if it's crazy. They don't know they are suffering from Single Identity Disorder.
I Think Being Crazy Is a Sane Response to a Crazy WorldAnd when crazy strikes me. It be some crazy person from here that gets me.
I Think Being Crazy Is a Sane Response to a Crazy World I learned a long time ago that reality was much weirder than anyone's imagination Hunter S. Thompson (18 july 1937 - 20 february 2005)
I Think Being Crazy Is a Sane Response to a Crazy WorldI've come to realize that I'm no longer connected with people, reality or the outside world and it's actually affecting my relationship with friends and family. Everyone questions about my absence. Why won't I get out of the house? Why won't I spend... See More »
I Think Being Crazy Is a Sane Response to a Crazy WorldWho thinks going ahead with the Olympics is crazy when it is full of professional sports people on dope and men are now withdrawing from tennis and golf (why the hell are they there anyway?!) because of the Vika virus for gods sake?!