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I Am Conflicted

I'm a Christian who talks the talk and walks the walk. But while I believe and trust in Jesus, I must admit that I have major issues with God (the Father). I do not think highly of God, and my distainful feelings towards Him often border on hate. It's strange to dedicate your life to something that you intensely dislike. I wish that I had more peace in my beliefs. I wish that I could that God was truly good, and that He truly is merciful and caring, and that He has my best interest in mind, but it just doesn't add up that way......
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AvGeek · 31-35, M
But what do really know of the entity we call God? What does any person really know about the all powerful creator of all things? Can the finite human mind even begin to actually comprehend such an entity much more what's in its mind, it's consciousness? How not surprisingly arrogant that r puny humans think we're so highly intelligent that we can know the mind and intentions of such a i fathomable entity to pass judgement on it. Sure there's the teachings of Jesus but don't you think he broke things way down to our level for us to be able to effectively digest?

I would venture to say that the universal order of things and the ultimate plan whatever it is, is bigger than any one of us or pour personal problems. And that I believe that no matter how bad it might seem, belief in it all coming together for a higher purpose is worth hanging in there and fighting through for. My experience is that if you make up your mind to survive your trials and put effort into that, somehow you karate get through and can look back and see that you must've had help that you didn't realize was there at the time. That's why you have faith that that great entity that we call God, just might care after all. Maybe not in ways that you are able to understand. Again, that's where your faith and belief comes in. You're just discovering that it's hard. Yup. You're right. It is. And not just for you.

You're fine.
Brenton · 36-40, M
I suppose it's because I decided a long time ago to follow the truth no matter how unpleasant it might be. I'm convinced that what I believe is the truth, even if it's not what I want it to be.

I spent years objectively sifting through fact and fiction, and the evidence has led me to where I am now.If I were to attempt to believe something else just to make myself happy, I'd be living a lie.

I also believe that there are dire consequences in the afterlife for not following God, so it wouldn't be worth it in the long run. Perhaps in time, I'll come to terms with the aspects that I don't like...
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
Why are you dedicating your life to something you hate? That makes absolutely no sense do whatever makes you happy. You do realize you don't have to believe in anything.
ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
Did God the father son and holy spirit created Tennessee?
I don't think you should dedicate your life to anyone!

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