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I Am Conflicted

I have to quit my job today. My boyfriends father has a disease that's destroyed his immune system and I can't risk bringing anything home from work and infecting him. I would not be able to live with myself if I got him sick

But I'm scared of not working. I have a savings I can live on for some time. I care about my boss and coworkers so much, and I hate to leave them without me, even temporarily, as I'm one of the strongest employees in the store. But the guilt I feel for leaving the house every day is unbearable

I have to keep reminding myself that, while I'm an essential worker, my paycheck certainly doesn't say so. I'm working in the midst of a pandemic in a part of Arizona with the most confirmed cases of corona with no bonus pay, only free meals. Customers in this time are particularly abusive to employees. And I could literally kill my boyfriends father if I keep working

I'm getting stressed about what's to come
Top | New | Old
firefall · 61-69, M
put in a claim for unemployment insurance specifically stating that you are unable to continue working due to the Corona Virus (which is true_. You should be eligible to get payment that way.
Ian123 · 61-69, M
I think you did the right thing 🤗 but sooner or later you will have to assess the situation. You need to think of you as well. Take care and I do hope things work out for you 👍
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
If you like the job take family leave act.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Can’t you take a leave of absence?
tenente · 100+, M
IntenseCookie · 26-30, F
@MrBrownstone I know I'll be more than welcome back when this pandemic is over. But who knows how long that will be. There's a total of five people living in this household and two of us still have jobs- one of us when I talk to my boss in two hours. The other worker can work from home but that's not an option for me
tenente · 100+, M
so, while movie stars sing 'Imagine' on youtube from the comforts of isolation in their luxurious mansions, you're forced to chose between a paycheck to pay the bills, or, killing your boyfriends immunity suppressed father. you're not to blame here. this America makes me so fucking angry...
tenente · 100+, M
IntenseCookie · 26-30, F
@tenente I hate nothing more than our healthcare system
Earthwrap · 41-45, M
@IntenseCookie What healthcare system? I haven't head healthcare in like 7 years. Even if I went the doctors are so worthless these days that just give you meds covering up symptoms instead of real advice.

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