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THIS week I am filling with RAGE

I am a very kind person. I help others
I am practical and intelligent and take care to keep others safe around me, especially during the pandemic. So it is a mystery how I got COVID, but that's done business, time to mitigate and try my best to survive.
That someone was probably careless enough that I got their case has me irritated, That others still deny it knowing I have it gets me angry, That they press on even after the election is DONE and there's noone left to sway (even if counting weren't done not one more vote will get cast) has me mad, That they come on my posts and say I have flu,or that I'm not having it at all... That fills me with rage!
THIS MIGHT KILL ME, it could kill one of my children, it could kill my girlfriend ...
Even if you don't believe, don't come on my post and insensitively discount the words on the page that came after the symptoms. This ain't no FLU. I've had plenty of flu in my life, this is NOT like those.
I don't need your disrespect butt monkey, This shit hurts!
I need a moment of thought and hope.
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Try not to be irritated. Some things are out of your control. Maybe the person you got sick from was also careful. You just don’t know.
xmedleft · 51-55, M
I am now far removed from the actual virus making me sick. Negative test in hand as of Nov. 25
But I may be becoming a long hauler. I still suffer some kind of emotional fear, trauma something keeps me afraid that someone is out to hurt me again.
On a more tangible note: I have recurring pains that range from my upper legs to my mid-back. I'm fine most days, but this morning I awoke to it already at max level. It comes about every 2-4 days, but today it snuck up on me and it's as bad as the pains were during the actual illness, just not as widespread.
xmedleft · 51-55, M
[@Zenni} thank you, it's what's needed.
@xmedleft you're welcome.
I'm so sorry. Please rest, and if it gets really bad, seek emergency care.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
The virus is real, the pandemic is bullshit

If you wanna live, take my advice

Make sure to get rid of all the phlegm, don’t lay down too much, if you do prop yourself up some so you’re not laying flat, take hot showers and cough out the phlegm, use vick’s vapocream or something similar every time you feel yourself clogging up

It’s just like any other flu but makes you more tired, any flu can become pneumonia and that’s how it’s been killing people, they lay down too much and it accumulates in the bronchial tubes and then lungs

Source: I hate it myself in December, and researched both asking others who had it and did thorough online research, eliminating data that was not consistent
xmedleft · 51-55, M
@Spoiledbrat Aye, you said
I could have it and I always wear my mask.
THAT's What I was agreeing with, then I added a possible route to the discussion.
I do not rubberstamp facebook pasts, that's why noone sees me here much. I'm here often enough, but I'm not trying to get into anybody's pants, so I don't leave a lot of just "Yeah, what she said" So if I do agree, I also contribute further. my conversation builds and includes.
xmedleft · 51-55, M
@th3r0n Continue to misinform and I will cut your reply down.
Yes, it's censorship, but it's what bigger networks are doing ON THEIR OWN.
I have it now, I have had flu numerous times. THIS is not THAT. This is apples, those were oranges. Perhaps it is you that didn't actually have it.
SOME of the symptoms are the same, suuure, but some are like nothing I've ever had -- but thank you for discrediting my experience on MY post as mentioned NOT to do.

Corona is distantly in the family of flus, but a longer removed branch with no actual flu germs in it. It's in the family of SARS. It's also in the family of H1N1, which was going to be called the 3rd round of Swine flue, but they found it to be so different -- that is why they renamed it and reclassified it.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@xmedleft H1N1 was called “Bird Flu” for a reason, swine flu is also the flu, so was the spanish flu

Some are worse than others, just like normal flu viruses we don’t have names for or don’t know the names of some are worse than others

But yes, I’ll agree that it was like nothing I ever had

I have a strong immune system and I’m somewhat physically active, I can sprint up a flight of steps reasonably well with most flu viruses, though I am out of breath at the top instead of barely winded as usual

With the corona virus in December, I was even more out of breath walking up the same flight of steps, never had anything make me that tired as an adult

That was the one distinguishing characteristic though

Funny thing, my dad has never had any flu ever, and I was around him when I had it and he never got it from me
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Hope you are feeling better??😟

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