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Do you eat fast food?

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So, I have to watch Super Size Me as part of my Psychology assignment for this week... The cringe is real. I freaking hate fast food. So gross.
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rckt148 · 61-69, M
In 2004 documentary Super Size Me, Morgan Spurlock eats only McDonald's for 30 days. He gains 24lbs, his cholesterol rises to 230 and he experiences a fat accumulation in his liver
He actually did a lot of damage to his liver in 30 days more then a heavy drinker ,
But on another hand
Contrary to popular belief, following a diet of exclusively fast food does not necessarily lead to weight gain, as one man recently discovered.

John Cisna, a high school biology teacher from Ankeny, Iowa, told KCCI that he documented the changes his body underwent throughout the three months that he ate nothing but McDonald's - with very surprising results.

Rather than his body deteriorating like the star of 2004 documentary Super Size Me, Mr Cisna lost an impressive 37lbs and saw his cholesterol drop from 249 to 170, improving his health significantly.

so I guess its what items you choose as to the results
Be cautious about Super Size Me. A little research shows this to be much more entertainment than documentary. Yes, fast food is bad for you (we needed a movie for that?). But his methods are FAR from scientific.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@ LucyFuhr
what Morgan's deal was ,years ago suggestive sales incentive had all counter workers ask if you would like to super size that ?that stopped when fast food chains got the blame for so many being obese ,and the trans fat that now many stray away from was also involved ,so its all even prepared different now .
If they asked, his response as part of the test was to say yes ,and thats what done him in ,he was actually told by his doctor he had to stop the test or stop accepting the super size ,it had damaged his liver in under 30 days .
you can eat subway and leave off condiments and its healthy ,but add the mayo and other condiments ,and subway is not longer 7 grams of fat .
so as I stated ,its not so much what you eats as what you add on it ,how its prepared ,and avoid the super size ,portion control
Trysta09 · 46-50, F
@rct148: Unfortunately, comparing Spurlock and Cisna is comparing apples to oranges.

Spurlock ate meals that were what most people normally eat at McD's (burgers, fries, shakes, etc.) which typically added up to around 5000 calories a day and restricted his exercise level to mirror what most American's get in a day. I don't remember how many steps he was allowed to take, but it wasn't much.

Cisna followed a diet plan that restricted him to 2000 calories a day and consistently exercised about 45 minutes daily.

Given the two completely different styles of eating, it's no wonder they had different results.

While, as a whole, I believe our society is started to get better informed about how their food choices make a difference in their health and their waistlines, we still have a long way to go. Fast food companies have commercials in your face all over the place and then have the counter servers pushing soft drinks and fries once they get you in the door. It's a bad combination for people with limited choices, limited funds and/or limited education.
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
@rckt148...Morgan Spurlock wouldn't have gotten half as much spin off his little mockumentary had he actually told the whole truth. He sensationalized everything.
A person can eat fast food in moderation and not end up on "death row". John Cisna proved it.
I've seen it . If that doesn't change how you see fast food then I don't know what will . After I watched it I stopped eating fast food and that was 10 years ago
Jay04Sch · 46-50, F
I love fast food pizza road house burgers KFC im have no intention off changing my fast food habbit.
It's inferior and way overpriced. I still enjoy it if I'm really hungry and it's half priced.
the psychology of fear is what you may be being exposed to in that class.
SomeoneYouDontKnow · 26-30, M
I have eaten fast food and I'm sure I will again.
The average for me is once a month
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smiler2012 · 61-69
naturallypeculiur not often a Chinese every now and then so I really enjoy them as a treat
MissScarlett · 31-35, F
I'm not a fan of fast food, it always made me so sick so I pretty much stopped eating it. I also seen Super Size Me, and another documentary like it. Disgusting!

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