@SW-User I doubt they dropped the charges from his previous actions, that predate the standoff. So far, it appears he has three sets of infractions--from domestic charges predating the standoff, from the standoff itself, and then from menacing following the standoff. He's in deep trouble. I hope he has a good attorney and a good therapist. He'll need both.
@windinhishair I'll be the bigger person and say, I was wrong about not committing a previous crime but at least his guns hasn't been taken. Still, why not put everything under his name if that's what they arrested him over. His inmate info just listed as menacing. Which is odd to me. Maybe we'll see but I was wrong on a couple things.
@SW-User Not to worry. Legal issues can get quite complicated. I believe the reason that they don't show everything he is charged with is that he is only being held presently for the menacing charge. The other charges will be adjudicated separately.
@SW-User I can't answer that myself about he's ill or not. But before I sought help, I had many friends and family trying to talk me into seeking help for my mental health issues. I, of course, didn't think I had any and even if I did, I could handle it. I wasn't weak, was my thought process.
Now, after getting the help I needed, I can see the signs were there for anyone to notice that just took the time or knew me. They aren't hard to see, but hard to get a person to go in.
I looked up and only found one thing talking about a veteran stand off and what it says is that there were complaints that he had a 30 round magazine for his weapon. That size mag has been illegal since 1994. So, if this is the same case and man, he is breaking the law and they have the right to seize at this time. Like it or not.
As I said, I'm not taking anyone's side. I don't know everything and I can probably find, if I took the time, all kinds of reports to support either side.
But I do support his right to own any legal weapon and accessory to those weapons. Just nothing illegal.
@MrPerditus1 I am happy you sought help. I support that. I have no issues.
Where my issues lie is when government decides. The difference between a 20 and a 30 is not much if no one knows what they are looking for. So, people who think it's a 30, can complain and cause unnecessary drama.
I support the 2nd and I think red flag laws are an overstep.
@SW-User I can agree with you on the government needs to be careful where they tread. But the issue isn't between a 20 and 30 round mag, it's between a 10 and 30 round mag. Anything over 10 rounds is illegal.
But you're right when it comes to government involvement in dealing with others mental health issues, but had I not gotten help and spiraled out the way I was going, I might have hurt someone else and more than likely I would have hurt myself. That much I do know. It's hard when dealing with veterans and mental health. While we are in, we're told to tough it out, soldier on. Don't be weak. We are told to bury it, lower your shoulder and plow on. When we get out, we can't just turn that off and how each of us dealt with what saw and lived with is different.
As much as I support his rights, I support others rights to feel and be safe. Unless you do something that causes the attention to be brought onto you, the government can't just walk up and say gimme. They can't. That's why I am willing to sit back and see what all the evidence is. I can guarantee you, we don't have it all at this time.
@JT123 Even the Supreme Court has ruled that restrictions on gun ownership are legal. Remember Justice Scalia? Read his majority opinion on the Heller case. I doubt Scalia was socialist.
I’ve been following this from a dramanaut’s perspective, through weekendgunnit going private, etc. fucking great popcorn. As usual, everyone involved is a complete retard, so it’s the sort of drama you can observe completely guilt free. Freaking primo.