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Suck it, scalpers!

A few weeks ago, I posted that one of my friends picked up a limited edition box set for me that sold out immediately worldwide. Well, we finally met up and we exchanged money for the box!

This is what has all the scalpers online going nuts.

I mean, it's a pretty sweet box to begin with, with some awesome cover art. The whole scarcity thing had the scalpers either selling these for like 200% markup or taking these boxes apart and selling the pieces individually on Ebay for ridiculous prices.

It's a lot of pieces! I'm going to have a lot of fun building them and painting them, rather than selling them off. It's going to take a lot of time and effort to do all that, but hey, I have fun with this.

This box will make a tank, a floating spiky jetski, 10 knife-wielding witches, five winged dudes with guns, a squad of 5 heavy weapon users, and the below two special characters. It also comes with a cool art print, the instructions, and a small campaign book.

These two pieces in particular are interesting. They are exclusive hero characters that are currently only available in this box set. Sold individually, the scalpers are looking to make the price of the whole box (or a good chunk of it; I haven't checked Ebay lately) back on just these two tiny pieces of plastic alone. I, on the other hand, am going to enjoy them as long as I can.

So this is my next big project after I finish all the other ones. All the scalpers out there can suck it, because I got it the way it was intended to be sold! From a locally-owned gaming store, not an online resale site!
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NoahB · 31-35, M
Bro there are so many scalpers on the market rn. Think it’s due to more ppl working from home and being able to camp out eBay or online storefronts more. Bc everything is balls to the walls hard to buy if it has an inkling of collectibility
NoahB · 31-35, M
@MethDozer might want to hold off on grading for now. PSA got a bunch of cards sent to them bc of the hype were all in and now they are being super stingy with the 9's and 10's grades
MethDozer · M
@NoahB Oh I know. PSA isn't even accepting any for grading until the end of the year.

I'm more excited about the prices of the unopened cellophane boxes because those don't require grading. You might even be able to guess which brand and year I got a horde of if you know cards but I ain't saying it here. But legit I got a stack of the hot card as well that were sleeve the day they were opened. It would mostly depend on the cut and centering.
NoahB · 31-35, M
@MethDozer dat sealed value
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
I always like it when my friends do well at something like this.

double when its one of the friends with a bit of ambiguity as to whether it could develop into a crush or maybe not *cough* ahem

SpaceJesus · 41-45
That's just badass
SpaceJesus · 41-45
@FaeLuna That's awesome. I have quite a few board games, but nobody to play them with. Washington's War, Arkham Horror, The Thing, Star Wars Rebellion. Closest person to me, one who plays that is, is 3 hours away
FaeLuna · 31-35, F
@SpaceJesus Ooh, that's rough. I miss being closer to people, but at least I'm not that far away.
SpaceJesus · 41-45
@FaeLuna That's true. An hour drive once a month isn't bad at all.

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