Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
🤗friends can become like family.
Trippy · F
@Butterflykisses24 Have for years. 😀
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
@Trippy glad you have someone
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
My parents are both deceased....but I have 7 siblings, all living, plus many nieces/nephews and grand nieces/grand nephews as well as a number of cousins (some of whom live next door to me....at least for now, as they are planning to move).
Ksmile14 · F
Both parents...four grandparents and a sister.
I'm sorry tho :( *Hugs*
I'm sorry tho :( *Hugs*
BiasForAction · M
I am the seventh child. Once my parents achieved perfection, they stopped having kids.
Trippy · F
@BiasForAction hahaha.... Awesome. Lots of practice.

You can always start your own family with someone who makes you happy
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
U don't have any aunt's and or uncle's or cousins?
Trippy · F
@smileylovesgaming Never have. Folks were both only children. As was I.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Most of my family is still around
kodiac · 22-25, M
Same it's a lonely path
Reject · 26-30, M
I do have blood ties, but none I consider family.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
*hugs you*
Allelse · 36-40, M
I wish mine would hurry and pass, it really is the best thing for them.
ExperienceDLT · M
My parents are the only family I'm close too
bearinthehalfwayhouse · 26-30, M
Uh.. I mean.. I got my momma.... And my 2 sisters............. And a rapey dad but, we don't talk to him anymore........ Sorry to hear about your situation tho.... Couldn't imagine it myself... Unless it happened early but hey, I'ma digress. ┴┴┤•ᴥ •ʔ/
Trippy · F
@bearinthehalfwayhouse Its all good. 😀
bearinthehalfwayhouse · 26-30, M
@Trippy Ey, any moment where breathe is good yooooooo. 'av a drink. ┴┴┤•ᴥ •ʔ/🥃
EagleV · 51-55, M
Sometimes real family is not by blood anyway ❤️
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TheArbitrator · 36-40, M
Start your own family or join the illuminati.