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Glad England conquered North America and not France or Spain

Because my English is very good but my Spanish and French not so much.
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yourunfriendlytrol · 41-45, M
actually you suck at english too..
Advocate of abusive corporal punishment says what?

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@SW-User @Strictgram
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
I seem to recall that France controlled a huge tract of the US from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian border and Spain were strong in the Southwest and Florida 🙂
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@Dlrannie I know that but I had to use England to promote the narrative.
@Strictgram History be damned...ok.
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TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
even if they did conquer north america, what was there to conquer? a couple of indians and some polar bears lol
Driver2 · M
@Rosejilly your right they were fighting all over . Still they didn’t lose ? Maybe it was another army with red coats and overconfident leaders ? 😆
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@Driver2 Took them til 1900 to realise that a red uniform is not good for camouflage. Typical for UK. Nice place but 1000 years of idiots in charge.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@Rosejilly Camouflage was not the point - which is why most militaries of the time used bright uniforms. Battles in the musket era worked in a radically different ways, and being able to identify and command your formations on a battlefield almost completely obscured by gunpowder smoke provided an important advantage.
Driver2 · M
Why not so so look what they did for central and South America , oh maybe not a good example
You loved the classroom, didn’t you?

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And this would be my reaction to your advocate-for-abusive-corporal punishment self for creeping on me:

LizOwen · 41-45, F
It was Britain, rather than only England. The Welsh, Irish and Scots were also involved.
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
USA was 1 vote away from having German as official language.
...actually, the action in the 11th cent. by the Normans ended up greatly altering our now-much-richer language (70% of thw thousand most common words in English are of French origin, per my HS French text). So you use a Germanic language with a heavy French well as other borrowings, etc.
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Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User We dislike half, the America hating leftists like yourself.
Here, have one of these;

Meanwhile, :

YoMomma ·
Lol since when
You might want to check what "conquer" means... 😉😆😆😆
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@SomeMichGuy Sorry but @Strictgram would need to read a book or Google it for that and I have my doubts in his ability to manage that! 🤪
laotzu92 · M
That worked out very nicely for You, didn't it?
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User One trick pony.
acpguy · C
Your History isn't very good either as the poor inbred English did not conquer North America or even close to it. And you poor folks can't even speak English very well.
shoot your history teacher..

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