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Why are women in general so insecure about their bodies?

Look don't get me wrong, I think all women are absolutely stunning but there's just something about big boned and curvy women that gets me differently. Since I was a teenager, I've always been attracted to the curvy girls and this girl turned me down when I asked her to the prom because the popular girls made fun of her and told her that I felt sorry for her and that's why I asked 😒
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BalmyNites · F
If a girl is with the right man, she will feel confident about her own body 😌
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Same thing happened to me in high school. A guy asked me on a date and I turned him down because I thought he was doing it as a joke, as he was friends with the popular kids.
JustA · 36-40, M
@DearAmbellina2113 really sorry that happened to you 😔
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
There was a girl like the one you described at my school too. She's actually prettier now then the popular girls.
JustA · 36-40, M
@Thevy29 yea she was! And SMARTER to
Throughout history a woman's appearance, her attractiveness was directly related to her value unfortunately.
Women biologically want to be found attractive but men in history have seen the only purpose really is for a woman to please a man, have children, do all the things the man doesn't want to do because its not 'manly' enough for him and certain things are "women's work" and not a big deal, meanwhile she's slaving away disrespected and pregnant and still expected to be perfect almost as if she were not human at all then society creates its standards of "beauty" but beauty can not be put in a box, not only is it fleeting but its in the eye of the beholder and no human is perfect but women are still expected to be, some women can't even do normal things like eat in public because she's been raised from birth to feel ashamed of being a human with needs and flaws
troubledvenus · 22-25, F
something to do with societal norms. Brainwashed into thinking they have to fit a certain body type even though everyone is different genetically. Granted, it’s great to be healthy but not everyone can look like Kate Moss, healthy or not.
Seriously? You can't figure this out? Look at Playboy.
Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
@SW-User Yeah I agree that's a silly question to be asking lol
JustA · 36-40, M
@SW-User playboy is absolute BS
@JustA yeah, but it's not just Playboy. It's Cosmo, The Kardasians, models, marketing, Barbie Dolls.
JupiterDreams · 31-35
Because society says we must look this/that way.
WSEIII · 51-55, M
[media=] God save the Queen
BalmyNites · F
@WSEIII Love it! 😍
LucyGray · 26-30, F
Men judge. It's their nature to select the best women for breeding purposes. Quality assurance.
@LucyGray There are all kinds of models. But the most prevalent ones are very thin.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@CleverFunnyNameGoesHere Models are mostly selected for their perceived attractiveness to Woman.. Most female models are selling female clothing.. also if you look at most of those models they have boyish type faces with prominent jaws.. Another feature that woman find attractive.. So the thin models with big jaws are not selected to appeal to men.. They are selected to appeal to woman.. It's woman who don't like fat men with small jaws and that preference effects their perception of models..

The very fact that woman on average have higher fat percentages then men reveal that men who select woman for partnerships are more accepting of woman who are slightly fat.. Of course no man wants a morbidly obese woman..
BalmyNites · F
@LucyGray Funny that, I find that women are far more judgemental, men don’t really mind as long as the person has a nice face
Adstar · 56-60, M
It's rare to find a woman who has an accurate self assessment of their looks / value..

And it goes both ways..

Some great looking woman walk around convinced that they are ugly and then you get the classic 49ers.. Woman who are 4/10 but think they are 9/10..
JustA · 36-40, M
@Adstar yo man this almost killed me!! Lmao

I remembered this girl from my HS who would give all the other girls shit for not looking as beautiful or as skinny as she did. I swear the girl wasn't a 3
Well, in that case, she was probably insecure because she had been regularly teased and harassed for a while. Something that a lot of men who aren't attracted to big women do to insult and harass large-boned and curvy girls is to pretend that they are interested in them and attracted to them and once the woman thinks he really likes her, the dude reveals that he thinks she is ugly and disgusting. Usually along with a group of his friends and the hot skinny witch woman he is actually dating.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Well, thanks to the pathetic shows like Keeping up with the Kardashians this is how the media ladies should look like. FFS they are ugly and shallow and talentless whores
JustA · 36-40, M
@nedkelly I'll never talk about women that way lol but I agree with the first part of your statement
wackidywack · 26-30
Well you don't frickin ask a girl to prom cause you feel bad for her 🙄

women are forced to want to look good because society tells them to

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