Petra1960 · 61-69, F
I got caned twice in the headmistress office. Always in private.
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Petra1960 · 61-69, F
@JoBlak: In teaching school i Guess.
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Lynda70 · F
You as well! I got six of the best in assembly too. I was one of the ringleaders in a school riot.
UncoolMother · 46-50, F
@Lynda70: you should write a story about it
Lynda70 · F
@UncoolMother: I will when I have time.
UncoolMother · 46-50, F
@Lynda70: looking forward to it
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
I never got caned in assembly, it was always in the headteacher's office. In secondary school I got the slipper in class and elsewhere about the school more often than I can remember. I did get the slipper in assembly with several other girls and boys in junior school for taking part in a snowball fight.
How old were you and what did you get the cane in assembly for?
How old were you and what did you get the cane in assembly for?
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
17. A group of us caught smoking.
Lynda70 · F
@Rosejilly: Was that usual at your school? Groups of smokers were usually caned together at my school but in the headteachers' studies, not in assembly. I got it for smoking at 17 and 18, when I was in 6th form, as well as in previous years. In some cases I was caned with younger students when I was caught smoking with them.
jennypenny · 70-79, F
A caning in front of the whole school sounds severe but I have heard of other girls getting it like that. Was it over the skirt or skirt up, Rosejilly? Thankfully ours were done in private. They were just as painful physically but nowhere so painful psychologically. Of course the other thing in our day is that when you went home and said you've got the cane parents had no sympathy with you.
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Nicolina15 · 26-30, F
Only get caned at home
Oldmanjimbo · 90-99, M
When I was a headmaster I very occasionally caned in assembly. It was an extremely rare event but can be powerful to send a message that particular behaviour is very severely frowned upon.
jennypenny · 70-79, F
Me too but thankfully not in assembly!
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NortiusMaximus · M
My mother was caned in assembly when she was at school. It was quite a common event in her day.
When I was at school, canings were given in the headteachers' studies.
When I was at school, canings were given in the headteachers' studies.
ReggieFane · 61-69, M
Ave Nortie Maxime (assuming you know some Latin with that moniker, don't know if I got the cases right).
I'd be v interested to chat privately about all this or see your posts on it. Assembly canings fascinate me and I know for sure they happened.
I'd be v interested to chat privately about all this or see your posts on it. Assembly canings fascinate me and I know for sure they happened.
NortiusMaximus · M
Salve Reggie. I think you have the correct ending for the vocative case.
I don't know much about assembly canings, we didn't have them at my school, but I'd be happy to chat sometime.
I don't know much about assembly canings, we didn't have them at my school, but I'd be happy to chat sometime.
Tonydang · M
The kids these days don’t know how good they have it my teacher had a strap and didn’t mind using it!!😂😂
CathyUK · 56-60, F
That takes me back. It was a deterrent for sure, but I never knew a girl get that at my school, just lads. Girls tended to be behind closed doors
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I was caned by my headmaster in his study when I was 15/16. Two hard strokes one on each hand. It taught me the intended lesson

It was banned by the time I was at school. But one teacher still waved his around!
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Sometimes it is hard to behave something inside you just wants to act up.
nevergiveup · M
i got 6 of the best at school for some thing i did not do. I got the cane a lot at home from mum lol
ReggieFane · 61-69, M
Oh, wow, you are one of the special few who got it in assembly! One of my friends told me about this from his school in 1970s. A notorious headmaster who did it bare (and a well documented case, he lost his job). I would love to discuss privately if you wish to.
Or by all means post here!
Or by all means post here!
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Thankfully my school did not do assembly canings. I did get it several times in deputy headmistress or headmistress office though. I can not think how I would have felt in front of the whole school.
The assembly component is rather unusual. Care to share what conduct merited such a notoriously harsh response from the powers that be (were).
TechFan90 · 31-35, M
Was it a mixed school and did all the others see your knickers?
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
My dad has talked about getting caned in school. Iam glad it was banned when I was there!
Nicolina15 · 26-30, F
Rachel, but your dad canes you, right?
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
Yes he does but much more embarrassing in school I think
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Extant1 · M
I'm not being pervy, just asking. How do you view it now?? Do you think of it often??

@Rosejilly Was it a mixed sex school or a girls only school?
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
All girls. Sorry that reply's taken 8 months!

@Rosejilly All girls is not quite as embarrassing for you then as if boys had seen it too
nevergiveup · M
I got the cane to. Best thing was i did not do what they said. My mother ripped him to peaces for it lol
nevergiveup · M
i got 6 of the best but i was innocent.
Chroniclewriter · 70-79, M
In front of the whole school, bending over or on the hands? Very embarrassing if the former in full view of everyone. it must have been for something serious.
nevergiveup · M
was it on the hand
British ??
nevergiveup · M
did you get the cane at home also
billy777 · 56-60, M
How do all these men get to control their wives. Mine is a female led marriage. I'm the one who gets spanked. We don't have children so that's not an issue, but her parents are very aware of the situation
bill266 · 41-45, M
Wow, that must have been embarrassing in front of the whole school
ReggieFane · 61-69, M
Well done, Juliet! Takes guts these days to spank a teen. I would love to correspond privately so please add me as your settings don't permit. You will see my profile is quite clear on where I stand.
Spnk8 · 36-40, M
At assembly? So was it like ALOT of people would watch you get caned?
igorsero · 22-25, M
Did your parents cane you at home for your misbehaviour?
Goralski · 56-60, M
Next time behave