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I Work Full Time

I had a phone interview on Monday. I wasn’t really that into the job - but I tried to do my best in the interview anyway, because I *need* a job.

I just found out I didn’t get the job. Now I’m bumming. If I had really seriously wanted it more, would that have made any difference?


I just had a call from a different recruiter, for a different job.

The only possible hitch with this one is: it’s not local; and they’re saying you can only work remotely while COVID is still a thing.

Would it be wrong to apply for it, and hope they keep people working from home for a long time?
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Maybe..but there’s no point worrying about it I guess. Onto the next! ❤️
jim44444 · 70-79, M
Probably. Attitude is very important during an interview. If we are not enthused with the opportunity then a good interviewer will pick up on our ambivalence.

I thought you have a job currently. Why do you "need" a job?
SmartKat · 61-69, F
@jim44444 Our contract is not being renewed at the end of this month.
jim44444 · 70-79, M
@SmartKat Gotcha. Yes you need a job. But can you get in some beach time first?
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
It’s been years since I ever interviewed and never by phone so I can’t even begin to offer advice. Somehow I guess you have to believe that the right opportunity will come along. Good luck!
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Being honest with yourself first, then with others is key. Taking on something that your heart isn't into just to be doing something would come to and end sooner than later.
Yes. Attitude makes a difference, Kat. Phone interviews are tough. Keep trying.
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Was the job in the field you want to be in?
If yes, did you have some underlying concern ??
SmartKat · 61-69, F
@SW-User The job is in the field I have worked in for 20 years. It was with a bank. I’ve worked for a bank before and was not happy there; I prefer contracts with government agencies. But I would take a job with a bank. I need money, you know?

I really thought I did my best to sound “enthusiastic,” but given that I’m a calm type of person in the first place, maybe I didn’t act excited enough.
@SmartKat it is difficult to say..
They may not have wanted to pay for your experience...
That’s what experienced teachers deal with as you reach retirement..
A district can hire two kids out of college for what they are paying the veteran.

In this market though...I can’t begin to guess the thought processes of hiring managers.
SmartKat · 61-69, F
@SW-User That’s true. I’m at a bad age for job hunting.

They want us to work until we’re 90, but they don’t want to hire us after we turn 50.
pikminboy · 31-35, M
anyways jobs sucks... i know we need money tho

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