acupaday · 46-50, F
Wow, that’s a wide swing. You don’t have to answer this, but are you guys close with such a difference in ages?
I’m an only child so this doesn’t apply to me, but there’s close to three years difference between our boys. Even with them being so close in age, as time progressed the oldest felt he was in a different social class as them so the closeness hasn’t really been there since the toddler years. He’d still be there for them for whatever they needed and such, but they were just never really that close even with there being such a small gap in their ages.
I’m an only child so this doesn’t apply to me, but there’s close to three years difference between our boys. Even with them being so close in age, as time progressed the oldest felt he was in a different social class as them so the closeness hasn’t really been there since the toddler years. He’d still be there for them for whatever they needed and such, but they were just never really that close even with there being such a small gap in their ages.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@acupaday First of all it's my half-sister (mother side) and half-brother (fathers side), they've never actually met each other.
I grew up with my sister, but with a ten year difference it really wasn't a balanced thing, she just bossed me around. I honestly only started getting along with her when she moved out at 22 when she got married. But we are really close now.
With my brother it's different. There's a 21 year difference and I only lived with him for about a year and a half when he was a baby and I don't get to see him much since he lives up north. Now it's a bit easier since he's a full on teenager but we mostly connect through football and that's it.
I grew up with my sister, but with a ten year difference it really wasn't a balanced thing, she just bossed me around. I honestly only started getting along with her when she moved out at 22 when she got married. But we are really close now.
With my brother it's different. There's a 21 year difference and I only lived with him for about a year and a half when he was a baby and I don't get to see him much since he lives up north. Now it's a bit easier since he's a full on teenager but we mostly connect through football and that's it.
acupaday · 46-50, F
@EuphoricTurtle Ah, I gotcha. That’s awesome you’ve been able to connect with both like you have though. Time could have easily made you and your sister harder to connect and forge what y’all have, and even though it’s primarily through football at least you and your brother have that to share with each other. Maybe time will play a factor in that as well.

There's a 13 year difference between the eldest and youngest.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@SW-User that's still a big difference. I grew up with a sister who was 10 years older and I always thought she was ancient 😆

@EuphoricTurtle 😂 We're 4 of us. I'm 3rd born. My eldest is 9 years older than I am and I totally get it. Lives were very different for us, while I was schooling they were already dating and working and so on.
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
My folks had a batch of kids in the 1940s and another batch in the 1960s. I am 55, have a younger sister that is 50, my oldest brother is 75, a sister at 72 and another sister at 70 and a brother 4 years older than me at 59.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@Roadsterrider wow, way to spread out your offspring over different decades!
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@EuphoricTurtle It wasn't bad but by the time I rolled into the picture he was almost 40, my older brother was the one that did the camping and hunting/fishing trips. My father passed away in my senior year of high school.
Nanori · F
18 years older than my sis
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@Nanori that's impressive. Did you guys stay close or is the difference too big?
Nanori · F
@EuphoricTurtle I'm basically her mother
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
May I ask how many kids altogether?
For us, five years; my sister is 48 and I'm 53
For us, five years; my sister is 48 and I'm 53
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EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@LucyFuhr I get what you mean. I was raised by my mother since my dad was pretty much out of the picture by around 7. I only lived with my dad for a short period of time when my brother was born and the reason for it was pretty much because I knew if I didn't connect with my brother at that point then it would be incredibly hard later on.
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
@EuphoricTurtle I'm genuinely happy you got that chance.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@LucyFuhr ty 😉
GunFinger · F
My eldest brother is 45, my sister just turned 35 and my youngest brother is 33 on the 10th.
GunFinger · F
@EuphoricTurtle sounds like all of us were unplanned.😂
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@GunFinger Really? I assumed the opposite since you're pretty evenly spread out.
GunFinger · F
@EuphoricTurtle ok, if that's what you think.😊

Wow that makes me feel better...I'm turning 51 and my brother is 34

@EuphoricTurtle my brother and I have never really had the chance to connect, plus we are very different
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@SW-User Yeah, it's hard to connect when you're at such different stages of your life. I usually feel like some sort of uncle with him.

@EuphoricTurtle yeah it's weird lol
KristinaM · 36-40, F
Four of us are a year apart and the fifth came 3 years after the next youngest.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@KristinaM that's just freakin' impressive
KristinaM · 36-40, F
@EuphoricTurtle We always had someone to play/fight with lol. And now they’re my best friends.
minxy · 46-50, F
My sister is five years older than me and my brother is ten years older than me.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@minxy all of your five years apart? did your parents have a schedule?
minxy · 46-50, F
@EuphoricTurtle It sure seems like it. haha I've never spoke with them about it.
summersong · F
Whoa that has me beat. My brother is 16 years and one day younger
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@summersong That's a scary trophy! What does the "V" stand for?
Is that Captain Venereal Disease?
Is that why he looks so angry?
Like "Dammit I got syphilis!!!!" 😆
Is that Captain Venereal Disease?
Is that why he looks so angry?
Like "Dammit I got syphilis!!!!" 😆
summersong · F
@EuphoricTurtle idk but I somehow feel better about the world knowing that someone created this trophy 😂
Stillwaiting · M
@summersong And it's own "mini me"
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
2 years and one day.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@CrazyMusicLover did your parents sabotage you by having ONE party? Kind of like kids who are born on december 23rd?
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@EuphoricTurtle Absolutely. 😂 As far as I remember, I have never celebrated birthday on my day as a kid. We "dealt" with it a day earlier. Even funnier thing is that my brother's name day is 3 days later so he always got presents in one go. 😝
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@CrazyMusicLover damn sneaky parents, bet they did it on purpose!

3 brothers. 51, 52, 55 I think haha
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@SW-User epic family planning!

@EuphoricTurtle i was the biggest mistake being the youngest and a girl... I was also the only one they bought champagne 🍾 for after my arrival haha 😂 been like that ever since 😝🥂🍾🤣

That’s a big age gap, how come?

Me: 22
Middle sis: 20
Little sis: 19 or 20 I don't remember
Middle sis: 20
Little sis: 19 or 20 I don't remember
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@SW-User that's ridiculously close!
Stillwaiting · M
2 1/2 years
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@Stillwaiting that's very close, not sure if that's a good thing or not.
Stillwaiting · M
@EuphoricTurtle My sons are 22 months apart .. no situation is perfect, but for the most part in both cases, its been a good thing
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@Stillwaiting that's all that matters 😉

My brother is 2 years older
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@SW-User that's pretty close, guess that made you the recipient of some major hand-me-downs

@EuphoricTurtle When I was young yes, then he used to get mine when I caught up. A lot of people thought we were twins.
Allelse · 36-40, M
3 years between me and my sister.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@Allelse that's pretty close, enough for you to go through puberty at the same time and drive your parents insane!
AnthroKenji · 36-40, M
I’m 33. Next is 32. 30. And 28.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@AnthroKenji that's like mechanical precision! 😯

I’m 38 and my younger sister is 33
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@SW-User that's pretty close, although I guess it seems like a big difference when one is 13 and the other 18
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
3 1/2 years
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@Keepitsimple that's a pretty cool difference. probably only conflicting when one is 15 and the other one 18. Then again I could be dead wrong
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
There was almost a brother between us. My 3 kids are almost 4 years apart. I love that they were so close.@EuphoricTurtle
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EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@MonaLisa86 true, it would be weirder if they knew each other. My sister is my half-sister from my mother's side and my brother is my half-brother from my fathers side
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
There are 8 siblings, and a 12 year difference in age between the oldest and the youngest.
EmeraldOdinelle · 22-25, F
18 years and 16 year age gap both older sisters and 2 year younger brother and one brother the same year as me :)
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
I only have one brother, he's 7 years older.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@basilfawlty89 that's kind of in between, not close but not too far
empanadas · 31-35, M
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@empanadas close enough to play video games together!
empanadas · 31-35, M
@EuphoricTurtle he liked playing his own video games