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I Push People Away

Painfully Ironic... I have a really bad habit of pushing people away in my life with an ungodly intent.  I am good at it becuase I can use words to cause destruction in the most henious way possible.  I don't do it usually unless I've been hurt, but if I have, watch out as there's no limit to my wrath sometimes.  I always regret it a day or two later and feel really bad about it, but it's always too late to fix it.  It's a defense mechanism I learned when I was growing up.  I can rarely fight it away as it comes out so easy and happens so fast.  And because if it, I have no one left in my life.  Deep down inside I'm thinking 'get away, get out of my life so you cannot hurt or cause harm anymore' and I succeed in that.  The most painful part and most ironic is it's always someone I truly love.

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If you had great past
and nobody ever managed to hurt you badly -
you would be different today .
You'd be walking around and nurturing everybody
and smiling and forgiving anyone who tries to hurt you ;

Your past was not pink , obviously ;

- when we get hurt over and over and over again , and over again
and over and over and over again
we are walking around burned ... and brused ... and broken ...

we are burned and sore and still somehow managing to not create problems for others ,
doing our best not to feel the bleeding wunds ...

Yet , only one wrong touch will activate the entire pain .

it is like somebody only slightly touches your totally burned skin ,
it hurts like hell .

Our entire energy jumps to protect us from YET ANOTHER HURT as soon as a person
makes the slightest mistake ,
we are so burned , we can not afford another wund man ,
it is a matter of life and death , we jump on the one who dared hurt us IN ANY way , right then ,
we over - react , vervally abuse - trying to protect ourselves and our life
with all that we have

words maybe your weapon of choice
I let people in easily but it's an egg shell of an experience. The slightest crack and my defense kicks in and pushes as hard as it can back out. I love breaking thru that barrier with someone tho and I have zero malicious intent. I'm very sensitive & kind to other's intimate personalities and I'd rather know someone at their core than superficially.
I've somewhat done that in the past, explained a little about how I work, but on the flip side, it's almost like a test of who won't run lol or who is true in their intent.
i have read this again, it is like i wrote it, only im not as ready to admit i do this because then its a real problem.
If someone pushed me away like that, no matter how much I loved them, I'd do what they said and go away. It's not a matter of running away, it's a matter of having some self respect and dignity. I think it's a foolish test to push someone away just to see if they're gonna take your abuse and then come back and beg and plead for you to keep them in their life. And if they did, how could you even respect them anyway? Resentment would just abound.

But hey, I always end up alone with my little philosophy so what do I know :)
i can relate but cannot understand why i do this...
have you ever tried talking to ur girl that u do that and not to give up on u if that ever starts to happen?
I do this if I feel a person is getting too close to me.
lol @ silent! look on the bright side, you are just weeding thru those that just aren't worthy of your love ;)
it is an emotional wound
that you have inside

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