I Miss My FamilyI miss them dearly. Why won’t I just accept change and transfer. I will regret it later in life. I am just afraid coming into a different shop with a different set of people and somehow screw things up.
I Miss My FamilyI got some bad news from home earlier. I just wish I could just jump on a plane to see them, but I’m recovering from surgery. It’s so hard to not be able to do anything. It breaks my heart. I miss them all soooooo much. 😢
I Miss My FamilyFriend's 25th -> Look Back At Some Photo's... Wow what a dream. I just looked back over some shots - local area, family, friends, particularly an album of Dad & another of my sister, and both my (now dead) dog Scally and cat... See More »
I Miss My FamilyYeah...I know that i am a man in his early 20's and blah blah but, i will not be afraid to admit that i miss my mom and dad, my cousins, and grandparents. I left them to tackle the world but now looking back they really did a lot for me.