It's embarrassing to be overseas and meet Americans who don't know that Indonesia is part of Antarctica, or think that Croatia is in Europe. I feel embarrassed sometimes.
@AndysLoft You're that guy who is always promoting Skegness tourism. The Australian members are getting tired of this, I think. Or maybe it's the New Zealand members. I always get those two regions of Britain confused.
I always put this positively in terms of their own country being so vast and diverse, it tends to be the focus of their attention. On a personal level, I never met an American abroad that I didn't like. On a political level I wouldn't trust the country as far as I could throw it.
@UpForItNow You're tolerant and kind. But when you meet an American, be so kind as to politely tell him/her that Croatia is in south Asia. Then they won't so look so geologically ignorant.
@empanadas I always thought so, but I was wrong about Indonesia (didn't realize it is actually part of India). So now I am not so sure. There are some members from Jordan and Turkey, so maybe they can comment.