Don't let them get under your skin. They all have a horse in the race and are trying to influence you to back their candidate. You voted your conscience. That's what you're supposed to do. Back the candidate you want. I'm glad you voted and didn't opt to not vote at all. So many women fought for that right and died before they were able to win it. I never take it for granted and always vote in every election.
PerchingDove · F
@SW-User Exactly! Thank you. It’s like they want you to vote but they don’t want you to have the liberty to vote for whoever you want...
then quit bringing it up, because they are correct.
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@PerchingDove but, but, but... 😄 you are fierce!
PerchingDove · F
@SW-User And you have a lot of growing up to do.
@PerchingDove and you have a sense of humor to gain. 🙄
BlueVeins · 22-25
I don't believe in the third party vote outside of fairly extraordinary circumstances (on strategy alone), but third party is definitely strategically better than not voting. 👌🏿
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PerchingDove · F
@pagandad Thank you. It’s refreshing to see open supporters of either primaries who can empathize.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I once voted for a third party candidate for president. At the time, I could not see myself voting for either of the other two. I get what you are saying.
It’s nobody’s business really. I think sharing your choice is a waste of time and effort. Especially on here
PerchingDove · F
@SW-User True. But these are individuals I know well enough to not mind them asking. I just posted it here to vent.
Exactly. And they always have excuses as to why change didn't happen with their guy. ("It was the other side's fault for blocking progress blah blah blah")
Screw that.
Screw that.
jeancolby · 31-35, F
I voted for Trump, I'm glad you didn't vote for Biden. Its how I see it. Well done. 🥳
PerchingDove · F
@jeancolby Fair enough!
jeancolby · 31-35, F
@PerchingDove At least no bra burning was involved.
Completely ignore them
Always vote YOUR choice regardless
Always vote YOUR choice regardless
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
its only a wasted vote because everyone says that lol.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Thanks for displaying your idiocy for all to see.
xmedleft · 51-55, M
@PerchingDove Actually the whole reason I wrote was to defend your right to do so against the statement from @MarkPaul that alluded to you being an idiot.
Learn to spot an ally, becasue you're actions SINCE have demonstrated that he might have been onto something.
I am keyed into somethings here... 1) the term "stealing a vote", when all you did was cast your vote a different way (which as I pointed out is your total right) is strictly an expression here -- a figure of speech. 2) Most Americans would have passed that by and given it very little thought and then would have thanked me for sticking up for them -- which is what I actually did. 3) Unless you don't have colloquial grasp of that nuance of the English language. 4) Like a foreigner who came on board here to sew election discontent... Like Russians, Chinese and Iranians have been known to do this year. 5) As I said an American would have known it was a figure of speech, I did not accuse you of the act of stealing an actual thing, like an apple or a can of tuna, but certain foreign actors CAN'T brush that language off. I't NOT a figure of speech to them in any context. I seriously don't think a Russian would give 2 flying fucks if you even caught them stealing a real tangible item... and a Chinese would feel so far removed from Western legal notions that that leaves IRANIAN; For whom stealing is a MAJOR offence and very upsetting.
Welcome Babak, I have found you.
Learn to spot an ally, becasue you're actions SINCE have demonstrated that he might have been onto something.
I am keyed into somethings here... 1) the term "stealing a vote", when all you did was cast your vote a different way (which as I pointed out is your total right) is strictly an expression here -- a figure of speech. 2) Most Americans would have passed that by and given it very little thought and then would have thanked me for sticking up for them -- which is what I actually did. 3) Unless you don't have colloquial grasp of that nuance of the English language. 4) Like a foreigner who came on board here to sew election discontent... Like Russians, Chinese and Iranians have been known to do this year. 5) As I said an American would have known it was a figure of speech, I did not accuse you of the act of stealing an actual thing, like an apple or a can of tuna, but certain foreign actors CAN'T brush that language off. I't NOT a figure of speech to them in any context. I seriously don't think a Russian would give 2 flying fucks if you even caught them stealing a real tangible item... and a Chinese would feel so far removed from Western legal notions that that leaves IRANIAN; For whom stealing is a MAJOR offence and very upsetting.
Welcome Babak, I have found you.
PerchingDove · F
Learn to spot an ally, becasue you're actions SINCE have demonstrated that he might have been onto something.
Some ally you are, lol. Sorry I take offense to false accusations made against me. You didn’t say anything to indicate you were just using a figure of speech and with the political climate being what it is today, you can’t fault me for that. But I don’t even want you as an ally anyway. Definitely not after this. You could have handled this like the more mature person you’re supposed to be but instead, you’ve shown your true colors as an immature condescending jerk. Probably a bigot too with how poorly you clearly think of foreigners. Like I said, grow up. And learn to choose your words more carefully next time. With that, we’re finished here.
xmedleft · 51-55, M
@PerchingDove Nah, I'm good with foreigners, I'm not good with countries that have a paid military office job that is solely based on disrupting the US's political process... try a different Red Herring, Babak. Oops that was another figure of speech.
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ExperienceDLT · M
@SW-User amen
@SW-User well said