Pfuzylogic · M
My beefaroni Actually had that strangely enough. Maybe I should work on nutritional value! 🥸
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Pfuzylogic · M
I will put an APB on the Spaghettios. What are they doing?! 😣
I will put an APB on the Spaghettios. What are they doing?! 😣
Trippy · F
@Pfuzylogic Currently under surveillance in my digestive tract, over.
Pfuzylogic · M
I would monitor their escape to see if they took anything with them!
I would monitor their escape to see if they took anything with them!

Yes, it's hard to concentrate on mathematics when I'm eating😋
Trippy · F
@SW-User Right!!! Who cares bout' daily allowances and percentage!! Toss some laymen ugly facts on there !!
Keeper · M
Or a discounted calorie rate if you eat two...
mondayschild2 · F
Rose0415 · 36-40, F
Some of them do. Like if you look on the back of a bag of candy, it will show the amount of sugar for a certain number of pieces and also the whole bag 🤭.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Lol yeah
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
For real.Some labels have a "half of this contains" instead of sugar,fat contents for all of it.
Trippy · F
@tallpowerhouseblonde A virtual nutritional labyrinth it seems !!
4meAndyou · F
YES!!! SO sick of trying to do the math!!! 10 potato chips equals 210 calories...but is that 10 of the BIG ones???? What if the chips are tiny???? Or broken??? Do broken chips even count???🤣🤣🤣
summersong · F
Tbh I kind of like to maintain ignorance when it comes to that 😅
Trippy · F
@summersong Indeed, my curiosity only occurs after the fact 🤭
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
It's that picture of Jabba the Hutt !
I have a pretty small appetite, so I’m not sure it would matter.
Trippy · F
@JustGoneNow I see... I've a bit of a small tummy as well but tend to stuff it at times 🤭
@Trippy you’re beautiful. have a great day, lovely girl. 🖤🤗
Trippy · F
@JustGoneNow ❤️🤗
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Hang on a second. When I1m plowing through a bag of extra crunch BBQ chips the last thing I`m going to do is read. Hunger overrides words. 😬
Coppercoil · M
Yes.. yes.. and yes.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Would at least make it easier to figure it out.
They purposely put a certain odd weight then give a difficult number for a portion to divide.
Like how many people are going to divide a cheese danish into 5 portions?
Most are going to say f* that and divide it into 4 pieces. Which is the easiest thing to do. Now figure out the calories if the total weight is 13 or 17 oz of 4 pieces!
They purposely put a certain odd weight then give a difficult number for a portion to divide.
Like how many people are going to divide a cheese danish into 5 portions?
Most are going to say f* that and divide it into 4 pieces. Which is the easiest thing to do. Now figure out the calories if the total weight is 13 or 17 oz of 4 pieces!
Trippy · F
@DeWayfarer We need to start a picket line!!

StevenIzzi · M
Trippy · F
@StevenIzzi The Fig has hit close to home. 😂
RadioDust · 36-40, M
If you eat the whole can you will get diarrhoea
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