I Hate My Country

I wrote a few days ago about a boat loaded with African immigrants called Aquarius. This boat belongs to a German NGO, picked them very close to the Lybian coast and headed for Italy. Italian authorities did not allow it to access their port, and our stupid Spanish socialist PM offered them the chance to disembark in Valencia, much to the rejoice of the Italian government.
Not only that, they will be given the status of refugees (which they are NOT), which means they will get 500 euro a month for five months, and a work permit.
To add insult to injury, a hotel in Valencia said they will hire twenty of them. I noted down the name of the hotel to make sure I never stay there if I go to Valencia, and I am h
glad to see many talk of boycott them.
But that's not enough. The country should be burning with massive protests. Unemployed people (and there are MANY) should be rioting in the streets. Instead, we will talk about the football/soccer World Cup 😩😡