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I Have a Bad Knee

So I have bad knees.

When I was 30 years old I had 2 knee surgeries, 3 months apart. The surgery was for a torn meniscus and a torn mcl ligament. It was the same for both knees. And it was not easy.

At all.

My husband got my kids to the bus for 2 days, and he got me my medication but other than that, I didn't get much help at all.

The very next day, I was walking upstairs to do a load of laundry.

Its been 3 years. And I had just found some exercise that could strengthen my knees, my quads without straining them, and then ..... I slipped in the snow TWO times in the past week.

First time was last Wednesday. I was walking to get the kids from the bus, and I fell. My left leg bent too far on the left of the knee. I wanted to cry. A guy stopped in the middle of the road asked if I needed help. He got my cane from my daughter and the bus attendant brought my kids to me and between the two men and my kidz, I got up and hobbled with my cane to my condo? or whatever it is called. Home.

And the second time was today. Grrrrr. I was clearing a path for my kids in the snow but I sunk in on my bad leg/knee. I fell on my back, my bad leg folded underneath me before it flipped out.

I dragged myself to something bigger, like this stone like thing. Between that and my cane, I pulled myself up. It still hurts really good even after icing it and napping.

I have an appointment tomorrow which I'm not sure I can even make, because I just found out that tomorrow are half days.
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lasergraph · 70-79, M
They may have to do a full replacement but insurance companies always want to try other cheaper things first. They may be reluctant because of your younger age as well.
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@lasergraph so true. I'm getting anti-inflammatory cream for pain so i can put that on them before working out.
t3kkno · 70-79, M
@darktippedrose It would be nice if you could move somewhere without snow. 😊
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@t3kkno it would be nice. My legs are stronger now and I plan on getting a good pair of snow boots.
theSoutherner · 70-79, M
You are going to have to learn your capabilities and accept them.
It does not mean yu stop trying. It means that some things have to be done with people around and possible an aid to help you.
I am a Carer for my wife, and she does not do a lot at all to help herself.
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
thank you. i'm just starting to do simple walking workouts (9 minutes) and also chair workouts until it gets better. knees take FOREVER to get better.
Ouch. Hope you heal up okay.
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
oh nice to know. and randomly resting throughout the day also helps me a bit.
@darktippedrose I try to message you back because you hearted one of my comments and I can't because it says you have to respond back to me first
@darktippedrose hope your knees okay
I have the same issue with one of my knees. Surgery to remove medial meniscus, etc. after 2 yrs, it’s starting to hurt again. I feel your pain.
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@CereBellum yes i am. working on improving my diet. but today doesn't count as its my birthday lol
@darktippedrose Well, Happy Birthday 🎂
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@CereBellum thank you!
Hope it is not a miniscus tear or maybe the muscle behind your kneecap isn't bruised. Sorry to hear of your plight. My knee has had its share of hurting
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
it might also be my ACL too
Hopefully your doctor will come to a conclusion if you have to get an MRI done @darktippedrose:
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
thank you. yes, I hope so too
I know how you feel. I have torn meniscus in both knees through playing soccer. The snow and the ice in the winter is brutal on the joints too.
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@SW-User it is. this year isn't so bad because I'm trying to be healthier.
Dadbod52 · 56-60, M
That rules out being on all fours ;)
mhuman · 36-40, M
god bless you dear.. please take care
I'm sorry. I guess my knee problem is minor compared to yours. I was walking my dog a couple of months ago, and as paranoid as I am i felt like their was a coyote behind us, so I turned around mid walk to look behind me and sure enough my left knee kinda snapped. It's alot better now but just certain positions kinda make it weak.
Compliant · 70-79, M
You need to work on your leg muscles so the knee cap is held in place properly.
I had a problem with the knee locking and cap moving, took 6 months though need to keep at it, also worth wearing a support wrap to start with
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@Compliant thank you. I just bought this dance class online that works my knees really bad. I'm soooo weak. thinking of doing this for a while.
t3kkno · 70-79, M
Thank goodness for some kind men who helped you.

Please try to make your appointment. Perhaps your husband can pick up the kids?
Berti33 · 41-45, F
Kamala Harris telling, occasionally she has problem with her niece..😄
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@Berti33 I don't get it.
Berti33 · 41-45, F
@darktippedrose you got problem with your knees.. The other lady's problem is with her niece... not knees.😂
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@Berti33 oh ok
The knee surgeries didn't help any?
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@ExperienceDLT now when there are stairs in my condo. Or when i fell on the ice and snow badly two years later.
@darktippedrose thats not good
Zakattack86 · 36-40, M
OMG! All the best! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@Zakattack86 its been years now. still don't have the best knees.
That totally sounds tough.
All the best sweetie ... I have bad knees too ...
Serkan · 61-69, M
are you better(
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@Serkan mostly. there are thinsg i have to take for my knees.
Mk8155 · M
How are you knees these days?
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@Mk8155 i have good days and bad.
You are very very pretty xx
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@SW-User @SW-User thank you

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