SwampFlower · 31-35, F
I do for my husband's ex. She's a really good person but her troubles bring out his and they didn't work. She kind of spiraled afterwards and never recovered. Under different circumstances we would probably be friends.
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Mindful · 56-60, F
@SwampFlower that’s awesome. No. They don’t talk. She went bananas calling cops on him AND the kids, she got physical at times. He was overwhelmed. They couldn’t speak at all. It was a confusing time for every one. It was before I met him too. He asked her to see a doctor. But she would have none of that. I think few people have the skill to cope with borderline mental illness. I often wish I could intervene but it isn’t time yet. I definitely am intimidated by his fear of her. When they traded kids it was always in public and several cars apart. So that she wouldn’t be able to grab his car door or keep him from leaving.
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@Mindful Wow. Since it was so chaotic, it is probably best to care from far away.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@SwampFlower yes. That’s what I tell myself. Thanks for sharing your POV too.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Not seen her since 1979 - I hope she is happy
smiler2012 · 61-69
@nedkelly a very noble and kind gesture ned even if you are a manchester united fan ned 😆

Not everyone is compatible and just because someone is compatible with me doesn't mean he was with his ex. Things are always as they're meant to be and some people pass our lives to shape us a certain way.
Not everyone is compatible and just because someone is compatible with me doesn't mean he was with his ex. Things are always as they're meant to be and some people pass our lives to shape us a certain way.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@SW-User I have similar belief system.

I never even have thought about that
SapphicHeart · F
None of my business.

No. She treated him like garbage. She doesn’t deserve the gem that was underneath the rubble.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@SW-User so happy you have someone you value, and that he is valued by someone like you!
Selah ·
No. Thats weird.
bijouxbroussard · F
I’ve never been in a situation where I had any contact or concerns about a partner’s exes. I tend to attract people who are widowed, like myself.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
My lovers exes decided it would be a great idea in her college days to essentially use one of the big buildings in college to hold her down and gang rape her after she in essence couldn't handle monogamy and cheated on them all.
eventually they all found each other and commited major crimes to "punish her" and frankly if I only could I'd AR15 them all dead.
I don't feel sorry for them. I might have considering how amazing she is if they hadn't of decided rape was an accceptable punishment for inifdelity. I hope no woman is ever faithful to any of them ever again.
We fit together because monogamy is not as easy as people act, I'm lucky she had friends to help her escape that got worried and found her and helped her fight her way out.
I litterally hate everyone who ever hurt her. she's quite the catch but I mean nobody can really have her to themselves. but yeah many a times has trackin them down and ritualisitically tormenting them crosssed my mind.
love and hate sometimes feed off each other. I'm against infidelity but in essence no one gets lynched for it on my watch and not in my name.
eventually they all found each other and commited major crimes to "punish her" and frankly if I only could I'd AR15 them all dead.
I don't feel sorry for them. I might have considering how amazing she is if they hadn't of decided rape was an accceptable punishment for inifdelity. I hope no woman is ever faithful to any of them ever again.
We fit together because monogamy is not as easy as people act, I'm lucky she had friends to help her escape that got worried and found her and helped her fight her way out.
I litterally hate everyone who ever hurt her. she's quite the catch but I mean nobody can really have her to themselves. but yeah many a times has trackin them down and ritualisitically tormenting them crosssed my mind.
love and hate sometimes feed off each other. I'm against infidelity but in essence no one gets lynched for it on my watch and not in my name.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@PDXNative1986 oh my that’s a completely utterly horrible list of “exes” it’s the sort of dreadful life experience that’s beyond comprehension. I understand your hatred. I find human behavior like that twisted beyond bizarre. I hope that people around them get the courage to stand up and put them on trial. Sick sick humans.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
@Mindful Oh yes, I mean I understand the response to being cheated on is highly individual but in my case depending on how in love I was I might even try to make it work....
or simply dump her if our agreement was monogamous. These guys took the trashing his apartment with glitter bombs and slashign his tires to the next level crazy.
or simply dump her if our agreement was monogamous. These guys took the trashing his apartment with glitter bombs and slashign his tires to the next level crazy.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@PDXNative1986 that’s sick. Talk about being better off without someone. So glad she got away!!!!!
DDonde · 31-35, M