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I Am Not Loved In My Family

i been trying to come to terms with it but it leaves me bitter. the only to describe the relation ship is that if every one are pizzas and sides and im the optional sauce that everyone throws away. they all push me away and leave me out. if i miss out i get given the same damn line of "next time" or when i cry saying it is unfair im always told to stop being selfish or stop being a spoilt brat. yet when any of my cousins who are mostly older than me do it, nothing is said they get what they want.

when im upset from anything im told to be quiet and grow up its been like that as long as i can remeber. and again pushed away. but my brothers get comforted over the smallest little things. when my parents decide to do a movie night with us my brothers cuddle up and im pushed away on to the other sofa.

other from my nan and grandad i cant remember a single one of them actually showing me anykind of love or kind emotion unless it makes them look good to others.
Carissimi · F
It happened to me too, but beatings as well. It’s a terrible thing to do to a child. I feel for you. To feel unloved and unwanted is a terrible burden to bear, and I don’t know what to tell you. I just had to bear it, but maybe you have good friends and relatives who care for you. I hope so. Just know one thing. It’s NOT you! It’s them. There is nothing unlovable about you, you are just unlucky with the parents you were born to. Believe in yourself, even when it hurts so bad. That will be your saving grace to know it’s not you, and to believe you are worthy of love.
Youre still young there’s support available the best way to get that is from school , they have acesss to services that you can talk to. Try telling a trusted teacher what’s happening, they can refer you to the school councillor , if your close to your grandparents they might be able to see if they can take you in. Alternatively there’s childline you can phone. One day you will be old enough to get your own place.
HenryQuelch · 70-79, M
@SW-User Excellent advice Pinny - Louise do take Pinny s advice and speak to a trusted teacher and ask for a referral to a counselling service. You are being treated awfully by your parents and I say that as a parent myself. regards Henry
Sofly · 31-35, M
Can't you move in with your grandparents?
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Sofly · 31-35, M
@Louiseknightly Aw I'm sorry. Just hang in there for a few more years until you can move out on your own.
Aweee...that break’s my heart! I hope you still keep a positive outlook on life.
xixgun · M
When you move out, you can eat the pizza alone
Montanaman · M

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