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I Hate Public Toilets

happend last summer in our french vacation. they have public toilets there for which you have to pay 1 € to use. you pay the € and you can open the door. so my friend and me thought us smart and when she was done we didnt close the door but i entered rigth away.
but the toilet had us outsmarted, just as i had pulled my pants down and was ready to go there was a buzzing sound and the whole toilet started to vibrate and i was about to find out why it was so expensive...

it was a self cleaning toilet, but and there was water coming out of the walls and a fountain from inside the toilet bowl was kissing my butt. at this point i was mid stream and already to commited to stop.

when i left the toilet i was wet all over and my friend asked me if i had some kind of accident.

bloody high tech toilets, next time i just go behind some bush again.
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Annie1899 · 36-40, F
I had no idea. If I ever get to France, I'll have this information.
@Annie1899 you couldn't know if you need money to use the toilet because everything will be in french
@SW-User ...the Euro symbol (€) will be a dead giveaway...

Or the fact that the door won't open...

Or the fact that other ppl are depositing money/using a card/etc.

And it may well be that they have some other languages on it.
LittleLisa · 46-50, F
So do i i will never use a public toilet i will find a quiet spot to go and do it 🤭
Bungler · M
Haha that's a great story..very good
as i ware a diaper i dont have that problem but a very funny story lol
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NoSugar · 22-25, F
@Waymore some girls make it a big deal but its simple enough
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Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
my pet peeve is convience store bathrooms that are not clean.
😄 Ha ha! Oh, my. Thanks for the story and the warning.
They have since banned public toilets here in Europe for that and other reasons.Calls of nature can be accessed via private complexes which have an attendant and open between 09.00 and 17.00 each day,the locations are currently been loaded into google maps country n city depending
daveal · 56-60, M
Too funny, a little gross, but way funny.

Did you send your friend in?
NoSugar · 22-25, F
@daveal we stayed away from those high tech toilets
daveal · 56-60, M
@NoSugar Smart move
supersnipe · 61-69, M
If they are the ones I'm thinking of, they have been around a very long time...about 35 or 40 years. If memory serves they are called 'sanisettes'
ninjavu · 51-55, M
Next time you might want to try going in together. Although it depends where the sensors are and what they sense.
That's what I would prefer to do, too.
I HATE public toilets.
my work has me in the field a lot, I spend about 17 weeks using nothing but porto pots
Too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought that you were going to say that somehow, the door locked and kept you locked inside of the toilet...and you also could not escape. lol...
NoSugar · 22-25, F
@theexciting1 that would be really dangerous though
simply243 · 61-69, M
Hi, sorry to say but that was a good laugh.
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
mmhm what an explicit description 😏
Skilllickous · 51-55, M
thanks for the tip
romell · 51-55, M
haha they had known some would come as u ..
luvin2flirt · 61-69, M
Lol.... Cool post...Loved it
daydeeo · 61-69, M
LOL. Sorry. LOL
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
LoL I always use the bushes!
next time you two go together
Qagidi · 51-55, M
Londonguy23 · 51-55, M
luvin2flirt · 61-69, M
It was telling you like don't pee in
I hate public toilets, too. Always have.
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samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
It happened to me in a free toilet as well. The toilet somehow decided that I was finished and just flushed! Unlike you, I have "dependent" body parts and they were drenched! To make thinks worse, the bathroom had no paper towels, only those darn blowers, and the washing area was common to all using the toilets!
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
You sure you didn't pee yourself lol?
NoSugar · 22-25, F
@IWasCallingYaLarry yeah everybody made that joke...
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
@NoSugar accidents happen :p .
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
Wow, that sucked
romell · 51-55, M
ugh the water from down below kissing your butt eek
Allelse · 36-40, M
Yeah I shit in the woods the other day, much cleaner than a public fucking toilet.

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