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I Am a Wolf Traped In a Human Body

Deep In My Eyes A Wolf Watches Back At You.... I have always believe I'm the only one who feels this way. After I accidentally find this group through Google I realized that I may not be the only person in the world feeling this way. Have to admit it was a big relief. May be I'm not as lunatic as I have always thought...
Since I was little kid, I have loved wolves and also pretend like I'm a wolf. Those wild canines have always been really close to me, but I haven't see it before. Might be few years ago when I first time realized that. Since that I have accustom that thought; half of me is wolf and half is human.

In nowadays, I still run in the nights with my two dogs, as a "pack". I "chase" hares with my dogs. Only thing I have wanted to do, but I haven't dare is to howl, because I live in the city and I don't want to those white jackets get me to loony bin.

Once I hear story about creating the world; God create all the animals and humans, but soon he noticed that there was too much animals. So he take some animals and re-create them as humans.
I thought long time I was re-created human, and it made me feel so bad; why me? I bet I could be more happy as a wolf !
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Hypothermia · 31-35, F
It was today when I was thinking of you Wolf1996, you and howling. I decide to try tomorrow, when I'm alone at home. If I dare. I want to, but I'm not sure do I dare. I'm afraid of that my neighbours would hear. :D

Sometimes I feel like I have lost my identity; I'm not sure what or who I am. Years ago I felt like I'm not a female nor a male, it was those times when I realize my wolf side. I didn't feel that I have gender, I was just a wolf to myself. Now those confusing feelings has come back. Even I now feel myself a wolf female, but still... I don't know how to describe.

Also I sometimes feel really alone because of this. I have one friend who doesn't think I'm wacko thinking myself as a wolf. She feels herself as a cat, so she quite understands me.
It was funny when we was at city one evening just wandering around and I sense our animal sides. I sense the cat inside her. It was strange, but same time really reliefing; I wasn't alone. And she has said after we met first time in spring year ago that I had look like a wolf when I turn around and see she coming towards me. She almost stopped at the place.

Do you bite or lick things?
Because I have one nasty habit; biting. I bite my fiancé. Sometimes his chest is full of bruises 'cause I have nip him. First it really shocked me. ("I have really do that?!") He thinks it's just cute and doesn't really care of it. Always saying me "bite, if you want to bite, don't apologize or be sorry".
Sometimes I feel myself really brutal and violent human, but not the time when I'm nipping him. Usually afterwards I have felt those humanlike feelings.

I feel myself silly to speak up these sensitive thoughts and feelings I have. I'm still afraiding that someone will come to say I'm a lunatic (which I surely am, no doubts of it). Don't know, I'm still kind of seeking an answer to all this wolf-thing.. and people who feel quite same of themselves. I'm really confused right now; not sure do I even exist when I'm thinking all this.

Sorry about the length of the comment; I have never learned to write shortly.
I forgot my neightbours when I first howled. I just thought that I always wanted to howl and so I did, but then later I thought "What are my neightbours going to think?" But I think that maybe they tought it was one of my dogs.

I wish that I had a friend who felt like me or just understands me. I met a boy in my age when I was 12 years old, whe was in the same class. But the feeling when I saw him, I can't think that he was somting else than a bird. Just I tought of him I saw this big bird, he was also really anoying, like a crow or someting. He scared me.

I have biten my self when my arms or hands itches. I don't think of what I am doing until after or until I realise that some one is looking at me. I have liked my hand some times whit out reasons. I don't know why, and when I realise what I am doing I goes and wash my hands.

You said that you feel silly. Well I feel actually really stupid. I sometimes thinks "What is wrong with me?" but I belive in spirits and stuff like that so my only answear is that I have a wolf inside me. I love my wolf even though I sometimes wonder if I am a lunatic or maybe some kind of psychopath.
Hypothermia · 31-35, F
I'm not sure what I'm believing nowadays. I have believed in spirit animals and spirit guides, or believed that my spirit animal (which is wolf) is my spirit guide.

This group's name hit me totally when I accidentally find it trough the Google. It describes exactly how I feel; wolf is trapped inside me, it wants to be free, but it can't.

My cat friend is the only one who I know who understands me, but she doesn't feel like there's a cat that trapped in. Or may she has just been accepted it better than I have my wolf. Yet. Hopely someday I could be okay with this. I mean, I hope I could someday understand this better than I understand this now.

It feel good to think this and just discuss it here with people who feel same way. I'm so glad I found this group. I'm not so alone anymore.
I howled when I was home alone once. I got four dogs and all of them came and looked at me, and I howled a couple of times and that feelt good, cause it always tickels in my troat. But it was one time in my home, then I was with my school in the woods once, I and a friend was far from the others and I heard some one imitate a wolf and then I started to howl to show them how it should sound. :) Well that was my explenation to my friend, the real reason why I howled was becouse I didn't stand out whit the sound tickling my troat. :) But it feels good to howl. I don't howl that much, just this two times, but I growl alot. :)
i once belived in animal sprits now i know the truth god and reancarntion humans reancarnate slowly but the angels with spirts repersenting them are reancarnated faster i am a life and wind angel wind for the wolf and life for the cat together they make fujin from flame of recca if you think i made it up your crazy because i didn't steal it either he saw me looking for ideas for an anime book and found me some how he saw fujin and thought he was crazy so he just copied it well he is my animal or as the angels call it gaurdian pet i will change my icon to it so you can see it well in many lifes i was a wolf i did something wrong once i didn't say this to any one in my last life so i was punished half wolf half human it sucks!!!!!!!!! i am howling my heart out hoping god hears me so he will turn me into a wolf again. read me story plz it will tell the rest ( by the way my wolf name is always rose bud i am always two packed and i am just explaining one life of mine
Hypothermia · 31-35, F
I growl too a LOT !
Have not dare to howl. But I have started to think I should try sometime when I'm alone at home or somewhere where's not any people around. :)
When I was younger I use to love wolves and act like I am one..But now I don't have to act...I am already a wolf...
ive howled once but i sound like a pup :) probably because im twelve lol
You should do it, it feels good to howl. Just let it out! :) I don't do it alot, and I think I am stupid because of that. But when I am home alone I will do it again! :)

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