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I Give Relationship Advice But Am Terrible At Relationships

What is ya'lls take on being given the "Silent Treatment"? How do ya'll deal with that or handle that? What do you think about it?
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AllAboutLaffs · 80-89, M
Passive-aggressive .... really pushes my buttons
Wolfdancer · 56-60, F
@AllAboutLaffs Yeah, I'm not big on that kind of stuff myself & it does push my buttons also. To me it's a form of an emotional power play & I don't play that kind of shit. Say what's on your mind, say how you feel & be done with it. This way there's no guessing games, nor misunderstandings. This has been a continuous red flag for me in our 3 yr friendship/relationship. Trust me, I'm keeping notes.
AllAboutLaffs · 80-89, M
@Wolfdancer Three years is a long time to tolerate that behavior ... good luck with it ....
Wolfdancer · 56-60, F
LOL yeah I just have this feeling she's looking for an "out". Girl you don't need an out. Ya wanna go. GO! Ya always been Free! Don't let me hold ya back! But don't play this shit with me neither, because I'll tell ya to Go and I think that's her aim, so it's not deemed "her fault". The Power Play. I'm coming into focus.
kate21 · 26-30, F
Grown ups don’t do that. Any relationship with a person like that isn’t worth having.
Wolfdancer · 56-60, F
So, when I addressed it, via text, I get a short answer. "Been Busy". Oh, I said, so too busy to say good night(consistently) and too busy to say good morning(also consistently). Right. I'm not an idiot, but you enjoy your day. Hours later, I get another reply of what she's really doing, which is fine, but it's still an excuse because its so out of her nature, thus, she never denied that she was mad, if she wasn't then her response wouldn't have began with "Look" lol. But ya know, whatever. I'm beginning to see a pattern & I don't like those kinds of patterns. I don't like the fact that she denies her own feelings either. All how does one work out what could be potential problems if the other party skirts them & pretends they're not there? I know what her normal behavior is. Nor have I heard a word from her since early this afternoon & that's also out of character. But ok, ya not mad. And I'm an idiot. This is what some other people would say, why can't people just be real? Damn, if you did something to piss me off, I'm sure gonna let you know about it, UNLESS of course I know I was wrong, then I'm just gonna be quiet. I also have no problem admitting when I'm wrong or out of line. Just don't expect me to be a mind reader if ya not gonna tell me what ya thinking or feeling & walk around pretending. Get me?
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I think it works as a way for both parties to calm down. It does not work as punishment, as in an "I'm not talking to you" power play.
Wolfdancer · 56-60, F
@uncalled4 Well, in this instance, neither party was upset. There was no argument. I requested alone time, that person failed to read their text & showed up an hr later. I said, I guess you didn't read my message. Thus, she left, pissed off obviously, beings I'm getting the silent treatment. So to me, that is her power play. I'll show HER, I just won't talk to her. And yes, passive aggressive behavior pisses me off. She should have read her text, considering she was the one to ask the damn question I answered. smh
Wolfdancer · 56-60, F
So She's pissed off I want alone time?? Not like we had "plans"....passive aggressive is avoidance of HER feelings and obviously she was mad, but why? Not my fault she didn't read her text. And why punish me by not talking to me now? WTF
abooklover · 56-60, F
Childish nonsense.

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