Mondayschild · F
Allie is in witness protection, whereabouts unknown😒
Well, Similar Worlds Allie doesn't quite have the same ring to it...

I hope not that bot was an absolute pain
No. I don't think about her at all. Because I'm not obsessed with her. Furthermore I don't think it's any of your business what she does.. And
@Skunk.. She was a real person imo but but they also used her account to send automated messages on EP (which were iratating in some cases) and also their robotic censorship was also beyond iratating too imo. But that's beside the point.
People like you guys iratate me.. 1. Minding other people's business and 2. Taking about things you know nothing about.
@Skunk.. She was a real person imo but but they also used her account to send automated messages on EP (which were iratating in some cases) and also their robotic censorship was also beyond iratating too imo. But that's beside the point.
People like you guys iratate me.. 1. Minding other people's business and 2. Taking about things you know nothing about.
NeonCandy · 26-30, F
Thought she was a bot.
Seriously, there was someone here claiming to be EP looks like the profile might've been deleted
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NearMiss, she's on this site now...or at least someone is pretending to be her
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Carver · 31-35, F
NeonCandy, me too! 😆
ninjapuppy · 36-40, F

I hope not
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gurlwatcher22 · 61-69, M
Nah, she's selling her ass in South Baltimore,lol.