4meAndyou · F
For me, it's not that I am antisocial. I love people, actually, and I wish I could handle more, but then someone says something I don't like, or they upset me...and then it spirals from there...and I am right back to avoiding them.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@4meAndyou well if they upset you, you can give them a whuppin'!!
That would be antisocial 😂😂😂
That would be antisocial 😂😂😂
4meAndyou · F
@WandererTony Nah. I just like to THREATEN whuppin's to keep my friends in line when they cheat on their diet. 🤣🤣🤣
NYCChick · 31-35, F
For me i just dont have the free time to be social working 70 hours a week but going out to bars or lounges with live music is a fun thing to do.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Yeh same
But i like it like
That way no one can gaslight me
But i like it like
That way no one can gaslight me
WandererTony · 56-60, M
Thats being unsocial.
Antisocial is being disruptive like rowdies and hooligans.
Antisocial is being disruptive like rowdies and hooligans.