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Got scolded by my boss 😭

I basically got scolded by my boss this morning. He’s hardly ever at work because he owns 2 different companies under the same building and he only comes in every once in a while and there are meetings today which is why he’s here.

Anyway, the conference room with class walls is right by my desk and he saw me on my phone while he was in there. He came out and lectured me about the importance of customers being first and blah blah blah. My face was so red! I was so embarrassed! He told me to find something to do work related if I’m so bored! He made me put my phone in my desk drawer. I’m on lunch right now which is why I have it out.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
You could assert yourself after cooling off if you feel wronged. You shouldn't be on your phone during work hours unless its work related. If it's a "Stay out of sight" issue... You can leave the desk and be on your phone elsewhere but you gotta agree I guess. If he's busy, tell him to make a time or you'll follow up by email.

If you feel uncomfortable to assert yourself in person, assert yourself using quotes from his words in an email. It'll be evidence of you being wronged where you have rights. For example, you can be on your phone at your own desk at lunch or if there needs to be a change in protocol where you need to be off from your desk, to be made known. To CYA so you don't get fired and use that email as evidence of you trying to solve the issue.

Employment sucks and we all gotta pretend to care about solving issues other people make. "Why should your lack of planning constitute an emergency on my behalf?" Is a good thought on the crappiness of it.
Orca4950 · 70-79, M
Sorry you were caught. But as customers we wonder how much business hour times our calls or requests get delayed because people don't put their personal phone or emails away
If you worked for me your bottom would be as red as your face
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Next time say you were talking with a customer.
kpopnumb1fan33 · 31-35, F
@MrBrownstone we don’t use our cell phones for that. Lol
Nothing personal. Let it go
kpopnumb1fan33 · 31-35, F
@Royricky09 I have a habit of thinking about things all day. Even if I didn’t do anything wrong I’d still feel bad inside. I’m negative a lot.
@kpopnumb1fan33 it's alright... Everyone feels the same way.
You'll be fine by tomorrow
As a former retail and food service manager myself I would have put you on report. When you're at work, you work, your personal phone should be turned off in your desk or purse, if there's an emergency they can call your work office

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