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Ontheroad · M
Sort of... I for a short period worked as a manager for a chain of restaurants (4 of then in the town I lived in) that constantly was plagued with staffing shortages. The rule was to check the posted work schedule at the beginning and end of each shift - a rule I always followed. One day I had to work a double (not unusual) and at closing time I checked the schedule, then helped the closing shift, got the cleanup done, did the closing accounting and made a night deposit on the way home (at 3 in the morning)... I forgot to check the schedule on the way out and of course, the area manager had called in a last minute change that someone (one of closers) had noted on the work schedule. It had me opening up another manager's store at 5 that same morning.

Regardless, I didn't see it and went home to fall soundly asleep without a thought in my mind (it was the first of two days I was to have off). Several hours later I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing and still mostly asleep answered it. It was the area manager ranting and raving about me missing a shift, that he'd called me several times and left multiple messages, and so on and so forth. Told me to meet him at my restaurant in an hour, which I told him I couldn't possibly do, that it would take me nearly two hours to get there... pissed him off even more.

On the way in I made the decision to quit - that working 70+ hours a week and still get chewed out was more than I was willing to put up with.

Anyway, as I walked into the restaurant I saw the area manager and went to talk to him and tell him I was, as of that moment, quitting. Before I could say a word, he said "you are fired". I laughed, tossed him my keys and said you can't fire me, I quit.

So it was a quit/fire 😁. Interestingly enough, when I filed for unemployment (he fired me before I quit), the company objected saying they had reason to fire me. Turns out their own policy manual clearly stated policy was to check the work schedule at opening and closing time. which as far as the state was concerned, was the posted opening and closing time of the restaurant. That I had done and the area manager made the change almost an hour after that time. Case closed and I totally enjoyed getting the unemployment money and ran it for as long as I could 😉.
Timeforsun · 51-55, F
Once. I was actually offered a promotion, but had to decline due to where I was in my life at the time. They hired outside of the company and she became my new boss. She was very inexperienced, but we all have to learn somehow, so I was her "mentor" while she was settling into her new position. After 6 months, she began to nitpick me and would tell me I was doing things incorrectly or not completing my job (which was not true), but still lied about me. I complained about her further up the ladder, but was told to "just be patient with her." Eventually she had enough documentation to have me fired. What really hurt me so much about that, was that she almost gloated and looked smug when I walked out.
Not exactly. The closest I’ve been to being fired was being discharged from the Air Force after admitting that it disturbed me that we were training to shoot people. It was mutually agreed that I had no business in the military, and I received a “general discharge.” (Basically, they said it was an error in recruitment)
eventtemple123 · 22-25, M
No. I worked in a TJ Maxx where I showed up at least 15 minutes late every day, and never even received a word from management. Only two ways to get fired were to commit a felony in the store, or have three no call no shows.
I work for myself. I almost let myself go a few times but then I'd have to pay into unemployment and then find a replacement.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
In my youth...friends would sit around bragging they'd been fired more times than you had.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Yes because I refused to sign an absurd employment contract with the new owner
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@sw-question ] yep once i was not suitable and one i resigned for the exact reason
Nope. Let's hope I can keep that record...
Why, yes!
Many times.
@MsSwan Because you quit?
@SW-User Yes and one place moved to another state and I didn't follow them.
@MsSwan quiter
"A" job?

I lost count...
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
I was laid off from my first teaching assignment, but all of the general ed teachers with less than five years were released with the understanding that they would be called back when new positions became available. I was subsequently called back, but by then I had found another job with more money and excellent benefits. So I stayed put.
Azlotto · M
Nope. I have never been fired from a cannon either.
caesar7 · 61-69, M
Yes.....boss was a prick and the other was for being incompatible.

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