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Should I have kept my shut?

I have had a problem with my pay for awhile now. I'm contracted to 64 hours a fortnight but they are only giving me 61 hours and trying to claim that if I didn't work 64 hours I shouldn't be paid 64 hours. But I have been. There is supposed to be a 30 minute non paid lunch break. And if you don't get it you tell the supervisor who marks it done somewhere and you get paid it.
Not only has my Supervisor told me I should not be in the building till the time my roster says I should be there, despite my protestations on that matter he hasn't been marking in when I don't get a break. I bring this up every pay with Payroll and on Monday she claimed I have never brought it before her before, (which is Bullshit) and I should speak to another manager on Wednesday to lodge a complaint against my supervisor.
I probably should leave, this place is badly managed, But there is a part of me that doesn't wanna leave while these Muppets are in charge.. I work in Aged Care and the Oldies deserve better management then this.
Sorry for venting.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
Can't you go directly to the head? The more the merrier. I'm sure if they're doing it to you then they're doing it to others too.
Can you begin to record your own timings and put any complaints you have in writing?
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
I read Fortnite and I thought you were a gamer lol
That's so frustrating
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