DanniRoxi · 26-30, F
Unless your born into it. Yeah they did work hard. Bill Gates built his first computer in his parents garage. Mark Zuckerburg was just some broke college kid. Almost all of us start at the bottom. I push myself to be successful everyday because I know it will pay off. Even if it doesn't seem like it now. Many of the life choices I made years ago benefit me today. Only you stop you from being successful.
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PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
@DanniRoxi: please, I don't like bullshit, and your quote is out of context it has nothing to do with millionaires and hard work.
DanniRoxi · 26-30, F
I don't think bullshit's your problem. You just hate being wrong. That quote has to deal with you and your shitty attitude. If you think something is bullshit, then all you'll get is bullshit. Maybe you wouldn't be ranting online about other people's success. Just because you don't like something and think it's bullshit doesn't make it not real. Change your attitude.
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
@DanniRoxi:you didn't prove me wrong to begin with, you just gave me some bullshit explanations that have nothing to do with working hard.
? Stuff works! You think it's easy? The only propaganda is from those who can't step up.
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
actually there's plenty of people that work hard and when they failed people say they didn't work hard.
Spitbak · 56-60, M
😟Oh yeah, you try kneeling for hours on end without kneepads!😟
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
That's what I'm trying to say that's painful work.

Everybody works hard. But millionaires are the ones with guts.