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i cycle to work, but isee thousands of cars commuting,why? why dont theyhome work?

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ArishMell · 70-79, M
Not everyone's work can be performed at home. Simple as that.

Staff in:

Medical, educational, emergency and prison services,
Shops, banks, estate-agencies,
Public-transport (of people) & Transport (of goods), in all ways,
Council and governmental services and utilities,
The arts - apart from the relatively few creatives' time in private studios,
Tourism and other cultural trades,
Building (construction, repairs, and the related trades),
The Press,
Broadcasting - not only the presenters but the many more, support staff.
Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, gardening and related,
Automotive services,
Defence and related areas,



This myth that we can "all" work from home and "all" wok needs only a computer was encouraged by the Covid precautions but largely instigated by the shallow, insular "Now We All" world of the city-based "lifestyle columnists" whose work is merely tap-tap-tapping a load of rhubarb on a keyboard all day. Their writings suggest they know little, understand less and care even less, of the outside world.

In fact when the UK Government encouraged home-working during the pandemic it was very careful to add the phrase "where practicable" - recognising it's really only office-bound people who can do that, and by no means all of them.

Incidentally my last employer defined work in one's own home as working either "from home" or "at home". I forget the proper difference, but it was significant. That was years ago too, not to protect glossy-magazine hacks from new diseases.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
homes build themselves? trenches dig themselves for your water supply?? food grows on grocery store shelf??
Confined · 56-60, M
Why bike to work when you can work from home???
Cuz not everybodyyyy has the same opportunities you do :|
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
@HumanEarth Well said!

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