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Should I have defended myself?

This happened a few months back when I worked at the movie theater. I used to work at Harkins. At Harkins, we often have more than 1 team lead on the same shift, sometimes there's up to 5 on any given shift.

Well one day I was told by one team lead to clock out and go home. On my way out, I get confronted by my other team lead and he questions where I'm going. I tell him I'm clocked out and that I'm going home. This upsets him and he gets in my face like he's trying to intimidate me and asks me who told me I could leave. I tell him the other team lead told me to and then he gets more visibly mad. He then proceeds to tell me that I'm only supposed to listen to him.

I don't remember there being some kind of ranking system on which team lead has more power, if there is, they certainly didn't train me on it and they definitely didn't tell me who was higher up on the ranks but either way if that was the case, why did this supposedly lower ranking Team Lead tell me to clock out if it wasn't okay?

I'll admit, the other team lead dismissed me 7 minutes early but I mean it's not like I was gonna knock out some big task in that amount of time. It's not my fault the guy hates being a Team Lead. He gets paid $1 more per hour than the regulars to deal with way more BS and stays later. Not my fault he accepted the promotion.

Anyway, I kept my mouth zipped during the whole interaction and he couldn't make me clock back in so I left. The next day I greeted him like nothing happened.
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In basic training they purposely test people (mess with people), getting them used to the idea while you have to follow the orders of any NCO, your NCO matters more. Drill Sergeants will intentionally interfere with each other's troop moving orders to see if they can break guys off the formation and march them away.

This occurs very early on. Soldiers get befuddled over it.

Given you were most likely never in the military, nor given training of anykind, and don't know how the hierarchy works, I can't really blame you for not knowing.

That being said, it's a bullshit job and so getting defensive isn't worth it. If I found myself in that situation I'd probably just grunt in agreement and shrug my shoukders while nodding, confirming I agree but don't really care.
Convivial · 26-30, F
You got caught up in their power play...
@Convivial The post is fake, read my own comment.
Why are you wasting time dwelling on something insignificant from several months ago?
FatsoJoe · 31-35, M
I just find it ridiculous how whenever I'm working at one of these minimum wage places, the Team Leads never communicate with each other. They're never on the same page and so when we're asked to do something by one, the others get angry with us if we're not doing what they want us to do.
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@beermeplease Read my own comment
This sounds exactly like a reddit stories youtube video I heard about three months ago. Are you sure you didn't plagerize it?
FatsoJoe · 31-35, M
@NativePortlander1970 Probably because it happens all the darn time at other McWagie jobs

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