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Getting Started in Computer Programming Questions

Last year I learned my first computer program language by accident. I hand copy texts using archival ink to imported artisan paper/scrolls from india and nepal so I can get a feel for how big historic texts actually were, and saw something about Lambda Calculus and jus started copying it all down. It was apparently the first programming language ever developed. I don't know what to do with it otherwise. I vaguely recall programs I believe called AAB++ and Haskell are based on it, but when I looked at Haskell you had to know C++ too.

I like logic in philosophy and know there are database languages for induction.... but I'm uncertain where to get my start. I want to do it on a computer, not a android app, preferably free and at my own pace. Not some coding bootcamp. I have no idea how to load it up on a computer though. Clueless.

What options exist?
in10RjFox · M Best Comment
If you can get hold of foxpro or visual foxpro, it's one of the simple to use programming tool with integrated database files that you can open and play with freely. It was my favourite tool and I have done wonders with it.

The best is its query window where you can execute one command at a time, without need of writing a program.

I would take a good look at Python for an introductory language. You can go a long way with Python including object oriented programming and all the classic data structures. It even includes lambda expressions, though they are kind of a minor curiosity in Python AFAIK.

I had a professor once who said you don't really understand programming until you've learned two programming languages. So, in your second year, maybe take a look at classic C. Python is great for "abstracting" AKA packaging up complexity so you don't have to worry about it. C is a "close to the metal" language; useful when speed and/or memory size is becoming a constraint. Plus, you can call C routines from within Python, so if critical routines become too resource hungry, they can be re-coded in C for speed and efficiency.
python is likely your best option for first programming language; although as someone with a cs degree, I find it an extremely offensive language. there are tons of pages about installing the interpreter (so technically it's more of a scripting language than a true programming language, but that's largely semantics).
for simple database stuff, I'd start with sqlite, it does everything through commandline/api and files, so there's not really a db process to keep running. although if you have intentions of growing to a very large database, SQL goes out the window immediately and you end up using something more like cassandra or mongodb
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
I'm learning coding too. I am doing a bootcamp. Check out Udemy.com, lots of good resources there
What do you want it for? I'm even older than you, but I was told I should learn Rust since C++ is circling the drain. But maybe you're on a different path from me
@Onasander You make 130$/hr on Python? USD? Those must be some pretty odd jobs or you're making more than double what I am
Onasander · 41-45, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP I don't know python, the digital nomad mooching off McDonalds wifi was doing that. I really have no intention of going to college or working for a firm doing programming. I'd like to be able to pull off to a beach and run a laptop off solar energy and a cellular modem and do the coding. On a irregular basis. If I gotta deal with HR interviews showing certificates and past employers and how spiffy I look in a tie I won't be happy.
@Onasander Ah, well you just said you already learned a language, so that might make it easier to break into something for which you would be hired--you might be past the beginner stage by now. As for the rest of it, you'd be asking for career advice, which I'm pretty bad at myself. I can tell you that I often see the "remote" keyword in a lot of listing, which sounds like the sort of thing you'd want.

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