seaglass · F
Federal tipped minimum wage for service industry employees in the US is $2.13 an hr
In states that follow the minimum required, you could be causing your server to work for free when you don't tip, and to pay taxes on the tip you withheld.

BizSuitStacy · M
In my area, minimum wage is $15+ per hour. No need to tip.
ffony · M
@BizSuitStacy Where are you and what's your income? $15/hr is not a decentl living wage nowadays, in any place I know; especially if you can't tell how many hours you will get.
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Spoiledbrat · F
It's not my responsibility to pay someone's wages.
@Spoiledbrat I have no issue with casual and fine dining tipping, most of those servers earn their tips, it's fast food asking for tips I have an issue with.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
If they're asking if you want to tip them I'd want to know if that tip is 100% theirs, and can they prove it was given to them.
Sounds like an industry wide plan either to avoid paying their staff what they know they should.
Or worse. It's to con the customer into adding to store profit which the management then gets a bonus for.
Sounds like an industry wide plan either to avoid paying their staff what they know they should.
Or worse. It's to con the customer into adding to store profit which the management then gets a bonus for.
ffony · M
Since when did gratuity become an employees beggar side job?
I've no idea but definitely it's more than long enough. I'd gladly see the end of it, and everybody with a living wage.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
probably since we entered late stage capitalism where a handful of oligarchs bought the market and got the world playing with Monopoly money
exexec · 70-79, C
I always tip in restaurants, usually 20%. I also tip delivery persons, my barber, valet parking attendants, and some others.
Spoiledbrat · F
When employers ripped them off.
ffony · M
I once had a Boston taxi driver tell me, as I scrabbled in my wallet, "It's customary to give a tip." He got 25 cents.
nonsensiclesnail · F
What do you mean?
With the exception of the deadly creatures, beautiful.
RedBaron · M
Bang5luts · M
What I like, is when you order food online then go pick it up. Then they as you if you want to tip them. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣
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@ShenaniganF00die Where's your country?
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