I had to let my summer youth temp go 😔
Yet again, I had to get on Jackson about getting distracted from his work and he took an attitude with me this time! I was just dumbfounded, but that was the final straw for real. I sent him home again, talked it over with HR and now, he won't be coming back. I wasn't mad at him and I'm still not. I'm just so disappointed and sad that it had to come to that. He's the first temp I ever had to let go. I still think he's good kid, but his mind just isn't here where it needs to be. This was going to be his last week anyway since school's gonna be starting soon, but I had hoped he would have lasted the week. I've been chalking it up to him not being mature enough yet, but he may very well have a problem with not being able to stay focused! If that is the case, I only hope he can get the help he needs with it someday. Can't say it hasn't been nice knowing him. All the best to you, Jackson. 😞