Women are deleting their period tracking apps, and men are downloading them. I just downloaded one and will be very interested to find out when I'm ovulating.
@justanothername Oh, we know. We just want to screw up the surveillance. If I can waste some government agent's time tracking me, that's less time available to oppress women.
@justanothername There are a lot of good conservative Republican women using those apps, and they might not appreciate being surveilled just so a few women having abortions can be caught.
Oh, that’s great. But how sad that it should be necessary. I’m sure those apps were useful. Following one’s period helps with women’s general health maintenance. How dare the government involve themselves in that, especially when they refuse to provide affordable healthcare !
@checkoutanytime I just want to screw up the data when the next Republican administration starts tracking these apps to find out when women are pregnant so they can send the gestapo after them.
I am glad you did that. I found those apps helpful when I was trying to conceive and then after for keeping track of things. I don’t need that app anymore though.
It’s a sad time for women in the US. You can be damn sure that if men could have babies this wouldn’t be happening.