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I Want to Lose Weight

I swear this time that I'm actually going to try losing weight. ANYONE Support me pls or anyone lose weight with me 😖
UPDATE : I literally just said I will lose weight yesterday but I failed today... o well I will start over
Diyanne · F
I fully support you for losing weight. Emmm....I'll go get a beautiful dress after I lose weight. I will also start save some money for the dress.
Hoppee · F
exactly what I was planning to do 😂
Diyanne · F
@CherryFlower: Yezzzz Hi 5
Hoppee · F
@Diyanne: ✋ or search total abs on google.
they give you a 30 day workout like situps, cardio and no sugar.

They have mealplans and everything
Hoppee · F
yeah. but does it actually work?
@CherryFlower: it does. I got some then decided not to do it anymore. Back to normal belly.
Cnattynat · 31-35, F
Give yourself time to lose weight , reduce any chips or chocolate or Fried food at home , reduce any starchy food at night , do this workout when u can :) Some days will be hard even I'm still trying . U still Can satisfy your cravings but not too often .
Hoppee · F
I like this plan
Fredbloggs · 31-35, M
If that was you on your pic before, I don't think you need to lose weight.
Hoppee · F
ever heard of beautifying apps that makes u skinny?
DeecemberGirl · 31-35, F
Why do you want to lose weight
Hoppee · F
cause it's more healthy and I'm fat and ugly
DeecemberGirl · 31-35, F
Don't say that. But i tell you, i felt that way and i tried hard i and i lost 17 kilos (eventho I've gained weight again because of stressed out)
Hoppee · F
@Yourpleaser: how much did u weight before u started? (if u don't mind me asking...) ur maybe even 1/3-2/3 of my weight right now...
KittyKat · 26-30, F
I support u
Hoppee · F
I need to too ! I start now :)

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