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How hot is it where you are?

112 F (44 C) with 13 MPH (21 km/h) and 20% humidity... i swear on satans smoldering nuts I fucking hate california.
Lilymoon · F
Around 84f here 112 is crazy 🥵
DerSilberneKonig1 · 22-25, M
@Lilymoon Yeah, i'm actually surprised by that, ive got a friend in AZ and even tho its only by about 4 degrees or so, CA is actually hotter in some areas lol, but dear lord, i opened the door and the wind just blew the air in my face and i about died 😭
MethDozer · M
At least there's low humidity. Humidity is the worst part of any heat
DerSilberneKonig1 · 22-25, M
@MethDozer Thats very true, i can only imagine another 10-15%, things would probably start dying lol

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