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Islam doesn't promote terrorism, eat ur hearts out white supremacists.

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TheProphet · M
It promotes killing non believers.
AdamJohnson12 · 26-30, M
@lastbabyboomer: Proof ?
Allelse · 36-40, M
@lastbabyboomer: So does the Bible.
TheProphet · M
@AdamJohnson12: Read the koran. It's in there.
AdamJohnson12 · 26-30, M
@lastbabyboomer: Lol, exactly what a white supremacist would say, too lazy to even take a look and make an effort in this convo, I rest my case.
TheProphet · M
@Allelse: No it doesn't. No where in the bible does it tell us to kill the non believers.
AdamJohnson12 · 26-30, M
@lastbabyboomer: God clearly states in the quran that muslims aren't allowed to declare war and fight against other people unless they are targeted first.
TheProphet · M
@AdamJohnson12: I don't have a copy handy. But blowing up innocent people is ok right? God doesn't state anything. Mohamad was an illiterate who claimed God spoke to him. False prophet of a fucked up religion.
AdamJohnson12 · 26-30, M
@lastbabyboomer: You're honestly a textbook example of a racist bigot just straight up making stuff up from the back of your head, I keep asking you to find proof but you seem to love being ignorant. Ignorance is in fact a bliss after all.
TheProphet · M
@AdamJohnson12: I read it but since I don't keep trash books around I can't point out chapter and page.
AdamJohnson12 · 26-30, M
@lastbabyboomer: Its beyond me why you need to keep insulting a holy book and a religion to make a statement. Oh wait, its not, thats what racist bigots do innit ?
TheProphet · M
@AdamJohnson12: I make no secret that I hate muslims and want them dead. The koran is garbage.
AdamJohnson12 · 26-30, M
@lastbabyboomer: I really don't need to even argue anymore here. You're just as bad as ISIS and you've got the same mentality.
TheProphet · M
@AdamJohnson12: And your a muslim terrorist enabler.
AdamJohnson12 · 26-30, M
@lastbabyboomer: Keep spreading hate mate, dont even know what a 55 yr old is doing on this site, what a productive life you must lead man.
TheProphet · M
@AdamJohnson12: I will. I run a thriving Construction company. The age bracket is 56 to 60, of which I turn 60 tomorrow. I have a Masters in Business and European History. Do you have any accomplishments at all other than being a sympathizer?
ZedsLeppelin2 · 61-69, F
@AdamJohnson12: You're 18-21 on an opinion website telling a 50 something year old that THEY have NO LIFE for being on an opinion website, where YOU as a young adult(18-21) is wasting your 18-21 years being on an OPINION website, whereas back in my day and probably lastbabyboomer at our young age were out LIVING LIFE having fun while in our early 20's...whereas you at 18-21 are at home ALONE wasting your 18-21 years being ON-LINE conversing with us old people in our 50's and 60's on-line who had a wicked fun life while in our 20's going out with our friends at your age....and sadly you at 18-21 are on an opinion website.
TheProphet · M
@ZedsLeppelin2: Well said Zeds.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
@ZedsLeppelin2: exactly
@AdamJohnson12: whatever communist sympathizer/"teacher" taught you what you've been promoting should be shot.

Second, I'm not here to be your fucking stat boy. Research the history of Muslim v Muslim war over just the past 50 years and it will astound you. The death toll of religious intolerance, genocide, murder, rape, shall I go on(?), it's in the millions.

So, if you'd like to make an asinine claim, stay on point. Take every member of the KKK, currently estimated between 3,000 to 6,000. Let's assume they're all horrible mass murderers - each to kill 50 people in their lifetime (which we know hasn't happened by even 1). That's 300,000 deaths.

It's estimated that Saddam Hussein's regime alone killed between 1/4 to 1/2 million Muslims. So, that's one leader of Iraq. Shall we start to count the other Muslim countries that have a problem too?

So, it's an entirely vapid argument. Very poorly "thought out".

Now, why are we older people here. Well fuck nuts, some of us were here when the place started. In all honesty, I'd prefer there was an age limit that precluded young people from even being here.

So often, you bring so little to the table.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Hahaha! You guys are still at it?
ZedsLeppelin2 · 61-69, F
@Adogslife: My 17 yr old son's mid 20's "know it all" progressive AP teacher every Monday has "social justice Monday" where instead of preparing her students to take their end of year AP test(that we as parents pay for), every freakin' Monday she has "social justice Monday" where instead of teaching the class the subject she's paid to teach, she instead spews her liberal political beliefs to the class on issues of abortion, illegal immigrants, the wall etc. and then has the class debate each other....thankfully most in this particular AP class agree with my son's common sense opinions on "social justice Mondays"....she's a liberal activist who shouldn't even be teaching an AP class given her goal is to indoctrinate students with her 20 something "know it all" progressive beliefs.
I live in a liberal state, so complaining about her falls on deaf ears.