TexChik · F
20 ga? Good luck with that. You need a center-fire rifle. I use a .223 WSM for hogs but anything from .223 up will kill them. Shot placement is important. Hogs are wicked fast and will disappear in a flash. If you see a big sow with a lot of little ones, drop her and wait. The little ones will come back and you can clean them up with multiple kills per shot.
Don't underestimate these animals, they are vicious and will come after you.
Don't underestimate these animals, they are vicious and will come after you.
redredred · M
If you can get your hands on one, an M1 Garland is a pretty good choice. 8 rounds of 30.06 before you reload as fast as you can pull the trigger impresses the hell out of feral hogs.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@redredred M1's are too valuable and rare these days to be used for anything other than occasional shooting; could buy three or four good AR's for what they cost now...
redredred · M
Sure but nothing impresses a boar like a 30.06 round to the head.@wildbill83
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
20 gauge is a bit underpowered for hogs, unless you're able to get close...
they scare & scatter pretty easily here, most people go with .243 at minimum, many use 30-30, I use 6.5 prc
they scare & scatter pretty easily here, most people go with .243 at minimum, many use 30-30, I use 6.5 prc
BizSuitStacy · M
They are becoming a problem in many areas
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
No, but that is my next hobby
TexChik · F
I shot some yesterday . I needed an AR , But I got 5 big sows.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Good clips on utube
FLMan232 · 61-69, M
No, I haven't, but they are problem here in FL, and up In GA too. My neighbors hunt them. Thinking a rifle may be a better choice, something on the order of .30-06