The Rolling Stones- Gimmie Shelter When the Draft was enforced Was fortunate to have not been called to serve. My brother selected to enlist, the reasoning behind his decision. If you volunteer, you get to select which branch of service you wanted to go. And from my understanding, if... (...)
I’m a high school dropout.I’ve worked five jobs and each of them had a high school diploma or equivalent under the qualifications. I don’t hide the fact that I’m a dropout. I put that down on my applications and if questioned about it. I explain what happened. I’ve come... (...)
A Weary ThanksNice to come home, after a hard day at the office - Ok, School then! - and there's the wife pouring you out a lovely glass of Chards. Thanks, pet! 🥰
Vera Lynn - White Cliffs of Dover This song reminds me of my mom. One day while playing the Righteous Bros. version caught her singing while cooking. I knew everything was right and she was at her happiest.
Reagan on Tariffs, April 25, 1987, Radio AddressYou see, at first, when someone says, ``Let's impose tariffs on foreign imports,'' it looks like they're doing the patriotic thing by protecting American products and jobs. And sometimes for a short while it works -- but only for a short time. What... (...)
I went to a restaurant to have soup.They delayed the whole process and I had to wait 15-20 minutes and when finally, he arrived with soup, I extended my hands wide open and then, in DJT style, told him bluntly "100% tariff on you" for being late.
Good morning, did you sleep well?I got 5 hours last night, was back in the hospital with a relative who's going through a lot right now 😔, hoping everything goes well and they get discharged on Friday. Hope you have a really great day today!! ☺
It cost me $22 for three dozen eggs yesterday.This is outrageous. Had I not felt so bad yesterday or been so tired, I wouldn't have bought them but I didn't want to go to another store. And this was at Schnucks. Over $7 for a dozen eggs. I could not believe it. There was no shortage! I'll never... (...)
Tariffs on Australia, Why Trump cannot say it's because fentanyl is crossing the borders. And the Australian... (...)
Trump SlumpSharemarket tumble leaves Billionaires over $300 Billion out of pocket. Notably Trumps big donors. And it couldnt have happened to "nicer" people.😷... (...)
Am i over reacting ?I have been in a long distance relationship for a while. We see each other when we can but due to circumstances at present it can't be more. Weve never had any problem's, anyway he sent a text message last week that was rather odd. I didnt get it at... (...)
My Dear DadToday marks 3 years since you left us and it hits especially hard.Your departure left a void in us all that can never be filled.We were truly blessed to have you as a father.In a world where not everyone have had this good fortune,we were among the... (...)
Lets Play Emoji movies.....Use emojis as clues to get people to guess a movie. It can be a title, a movie scene, a quote, you can just leave clues if you want, and not answer any, if you know an answer just chime in and answer it! No rules! anything goes......... Example:... (...)
Honest OpinionsRecently had this discussion and I'm curious......I want to know what the majority think. Do you think that a woman and a man can have a platonic relationship?