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I remember the good old days

I remember when i was in last years of high school, around 2008-2010. Everytime i was getting home from school, my best buddy and I would hang out. He was really hooked on weed, and i was smoking always with him . But the best was going at his home and playing halo 3 or halo reach online together. We did it so many times, and it was the good old days playing halo 3 online with him .

Eventually, i think in 2011 i got my own xbox 360. and in 2012, halo 4 was out, and i got it and played so much online of it.

Halo 4 was my favorite of the series, i played online religiously from 2012 up to 2015.

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YoMomma ·
I used to play RuneScape online with my cousins.. i still get flashbacks of the game every now and then.. it's like its own world...
pikminboy · 31-35, M
@YoMomma yes runescape still exists 👍
YoMomma ·
@pikminboy i know i played it a few years ago 😅

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