NerdySoph · 26-30, F
Havent played it yet but i hear it's good and satisfying combat
Alicethesaddest · 22-25, F
@NerdySoph love the lastest addition to the main story and some of the characters acrobatics are just🤌🏾
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
Looks cool but haven’t played it personally
I need to chip away at the games I’ve already got eventually 😩😂
I need to chip away at the games I’ve already got eventually 😩😂
Alicethesaddest · 22-25, F
Procrastinating beating ni no kuni atm🤣 even if it's just a mini break from your other ganes, it's definitely worth it!
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@Alicethesaddest I’ll keep that in mind🤗
cerealguy · 26-30, M
That game had fire graphica but I didn't even beat level 1 I think
Alicethesaddest · 22-25, F
@cerealguy level 1 of what? If we're talking about the same game I can help you with practically everything but the main story and the abyss
cerealguy · 26-30, M
@Alicethesaddest yeah, genshin impact. I never beat the tutorial I think. That first world. Or am I trippin? :v
I dunno
I got my starter character, learned to fight and just minked a couple of fiends then never returned
I dunno
I got my starter character, learned to fight and just minked a couple of fiends then never returned
Alicethesaddest · 22-25, F
@cerealguy ohhhh ok gotcha! Man there's so much to the game even I get confused lmao
You're talking about Mondstat (first nation out of five so far) for sure. For me it's all about exploration and story. You have to do your quests to progress the story. Once you learn how to build your characters fighting gets soo much better; the key to that is what you equip them with and their stats ofc.
Let me know if you start it up again, you might have to progress your adventure rank to 16 before you can co-op.
You're talking about Mondstat (first nation out of five so far) for sure. For me it's all about exploration and story. You have to do your quests to progress the story. Once you learn how to build your characters fighting gets soo much better; the key to that is what you equip them with and their stats ofc.
Let me know if you start it up again, you might have to progress your adventure rank to 16 before you can co-op.
This message was deleted by its author.
Alicethesaddest · 22-25, F
@allygator18 that sucks, I was hooked ever since Mondstadt and it keeps getting better imo
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Is it English Dubbed?
Alicethesaddest · 22-25, F
@Thevy29 Yep! I can't do Japanese only on games, especially if I already heard their english VA.
Yuryay · 26-30, F
I play Black Desert Online, u ?
Alicethesaddest · 22-25, F
@Yuryay No I don't, sorry!