th3r0n · 41-45, M
I had some cool experiences in video arcades, I don't even remember where it was but there was some place with multiple stories and it was huge, a lot of fun games
But that was a long time ago, I remember the marvel vs Capcom video game was relatively new to arcades at the time
They didn't have anything great where Iived, but the local skating rink had a few machines that were fun (especially the teenage mutant ninja turtles game) and there was a small arcade that had pool tables too but it shut down
But that was a long time ago, I remember the marvel vs Capcom video game was relatively new to arcades at the time
They didn't have anything great where Iived, but the local skating rink had a few machines that were fun (especially the teenage mutant ninja turtles game) and there was a small arcade that had pool tables too but it shut down
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Arcades were the foundation of my gaming experiences. As far back as the early 90's, (and earlier) it was quite commonplace to find coin-op arcade machines in convenience stores, movie theater lobbies, diners, laundromats, bowling alleys and shopping malls. And not just arcade video games, but pinball machines and crane games, too.
AstroZombie · 36-40, M
I know two local arcades that do some pretty awesome promotions. One of them you can play alllll day for 15 bucks. And they have some obscure machines there too like Smash TV.
SalamanderWolfWoman · 26-30
Some arcades have rude staff. The Seattle Pinball Museum in the USA is an example of one of the places which I deeply dislike. I believe that some of the arcades which have closed may have had zero respect for customers. People may have been traumatised from a negative experience therefore avoid all arcades unfortunately. It only takes a few unhappy memories for people to avoid places or situations for fear of emotional triggers.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
at the little won our beach home is at? they still have arcades,, some typical video stuff and one with many retro vintage games.
its not all just kids play tho
its not all just kids play tho
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@Amylynne When I was 12, my family and I went to an arcade that had Laser Tag.
dale74 · M
Vortex Arcade
Flashback Pinball Arcade
Action Jacks Family Fun & Entertainment
Nickel Kraze Arcade
Are the local ones here
Flashback Pinball Arcade
Action Jacks Family Fun & Entertainment
Nickel Kraze Arcade
Are the local ones here
legodood · M
Me too! Arcades are so much fun!
Your local one shut down recently? 😞
Your local one shut down recently? 😞
lillyxchan · F
@legodood one of themm but I got another where the staff really like me nd let me play for free so its okie
theoldschoola · 46-50, M
The last time I saw an aracde anywhere was at least 10 years ago, I loved them as a kid.
SinlessOnslaught · M
I haven't gone to one since I was a little kid. Maybe I should try again.
dale74 · M
Where are you from i thought we had one called t and t or something.
If there are games I'm in. Only problem is they eat my money. Lol
FatherTime · M
they are <3 I love going to my local arcade <3
Skitzo · 56-60, M
I use to love going to the arcade in garden city, sc. . The smell of the place didnt change any from my childhood . I dont think the prizes you could win off skeeball tickets changed either. But that didnt stop us.
Throger · 26-30, M
All the ones in my area are shut down and I’m majorly bummed about it 😔
Justafantasy · M
I spent many quarters in them back in the day. Never got good at any games though
Amylynne · 26-30, F
i love these places,, went thru puberty there LOL!
we still have them, here and there, and I still like to go
we still have them, here and there, and I still like to go
ExperienceDLT · M
They barely exist around here where i am from anymore
Justafantasy · M
I spent a lot of quarters there back in the day
Amylynne · 26-30, F
i play there, maybe not the way they are designed
daddylikestoshow · 46-50, M
I loved the arcade
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I love them too but theyre too expensive.
lillyxchan · F
@MartinTheFirst They rarely ever make me pay at my favorite arcade owo
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@lillyxchan lies
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
as long as they have good games